Plateforme DEFI multichaine Rubic organise les services DeFi pour permettre à un projet de créer, gérer et échanger des jetons décentralisés en UN SEUL ENDROIT.
L'objectif de Rubic est d'ajouter des transactions p2p multi-chaînes aux services existants et de développer d'autres produits tels que des pools de liquidité et de les rendre simples et conviviaux. Chacune des chaînes de blocs a ses propres avantages et l'objectif de Rubic est de donner aux utilisateurs la possibilité d'utiliser les avantages de chacune des chaînes de blocs pour résoudre les problèmes auxquels ils sont confrontés.
Les produits de Rubic sont open source.
Stay away its a SCAM, some rbaltic and east european Mafia is in this Project, they just have one goal, take the hype and run away. A critical question on their small Telegramm channel, results in instant bann.
Rubic will be the Uniswap killer.
The CEO has proven his seriousness with his previous project.
I mean that's what DeFi needs. Rubic can't come soon enough with all the features.
I've been using this for the last few weeks and am super happy with it...... they've an ambitious roadmap but have achieved all their goals so far to date.....I could see these being a serious competitor of Uniswap in a few months from now. I believe they're implementing cross chain this week. That will be a game changer
Seems to be the sleeping dragon of DeFi. Superior tech to it's rivals, and a very impressive and ambitious road map for 2021! I suggest you read the whitepaper - Uniswap and 1inch have got their hands full!