País: India
Lanzado: 2015
Revisión experta
Feb 14, 2021

Bitdeal is the leading Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company that provides spotless Cryptocurrency Exchange Script / Software. The company also provides services like Defi Development , Dapp Development, DEX Development, Wallet Development, etc.

Bitdeal is a top-notch Cryptocurrency Exchange Development company having 6+ years of proven industry experience in providing premium cryptocurrency solutions includes crypto exchange development (CEX/DEX/HYBRID), coin creation, wallet development, smart contract development, ICO, STO, IEO, etc.

You can launch Your Own Cryptocurrency Exchange like Binance by covering the major clone features including Binance DEX Clone, Binance App Clone, Basic, and Advanced Trading Features. Binance Clone Script is a fully developed and ready-made clone script of the popular cryptocurrency exchange Binance. This clone script replicates all the existing features of finance with added customization and upgraded trading functionalities. This clone script is fully tested and approved by potential developers. Using this raw ready-made script, developers can customize it separately for Binance DEX, and the Binance centralized trading.

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País: India
Lanzado: 2015
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