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Whats miner Review 2023 - Is It Safe?

País: China
Revisión experta
Aug 04, 2020

Cryptocurrency mining has become a popular way of generating income, with more and more people joining the industry. One of the most popular mining hardware brands is Whatsminer. This Chinese company has been producing ASIC miners since 2016 and has quickly become one of the leading players in the industry. In this review, we will take a closer look at Whatsminer, including its history, products, reputation, and overall performance.

History of Whatsminer

Whatsminer was founded in 2016 by a team of professionals with a background in cryptocurrency mining. The company was established in Shenzhen, China, which is known for being the technology hub of the country. The founding team of Whatsminer believed that there was a need for high-quality and affordable ASIC miners in the market. Since then, the company has grown significantly, with offices in China, Hong Kong, and the United States.

Products Offered by Whatsminer

Whatsminer specializes in producing ASIC miners, which are specifically designed for cryptocurrency mining. The company offers a range of products, including the Whatsminer M30S and the Whatsminer M31S. These miners are designed to mine Bitcoin, as well as other cryptocurrencies that use the SHA-256 algorithm.
The Whatsminer M30S is one of the most popular miners in the market, offering a hashrate of up to 100 TH/s. This miner is equipped with a powerful chip, the ASIC BM1397, which is designed by Bitmain, the leading manufacturer of mining hardware. The M30S is known for its energy efficiency, consuming only 38 watts of power per TH/s.
The Whatsminer M31S is the latest miner released by the company. This miner offers a hashrate of up to 76 TH/s and consumes 42 watts of power per TH/s. The M31S is equipped with the ASIC chip, the TSMC 12nm FinFET, which is designed by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company. This chip is known for its efficiency and reliability.

Reputation of Whatsminer

Whatsminer has a strong reputation in the cryptocurrency mining industry, with many users reporting positive experiences with the company's products. The company is known for producing high-quality miners that are both efficient and reliable. Whatsminer has also established itself as a leader in the industry, with many miners considering the M30S to be one of the best miners on the market.

Overall Performance of Whatsminer

When it comes to performance, Whatsminer's products are among the best in the market. The M30S and M31S are known for their high hashrates, energy efficiency, and reliability. These miners are designed to be easy to use, with a simple user interface that allows miners to monitor their mining activity and earnings. Whatsminer also offers excellent customer support, with a dedicated team that is available to assist users with any issues they may encounter.


Whatsminer is a leading producer of ASIC miners, with a strong reputation for producing high-quality and reliable mining hardware. The company offers a range of products, including the M30S and M31S, which are known for their high hashrates, energy efficiency, and reliability. Whatsminer has established itself as a leader in the industry, with many miners considering its products to be among the best in the market. With its excellent customer support and commitment to quality, Whatsminer is a company that is worth considering for anyone looking to get into cryptocurrency mining.

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País: China
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