Coinlim proporciona acceso a los mercados BTC, ETH, USDT para el comercio. La compañía fue incorporada por HONG KONG RISE SUCCESS INVESTMENT LTD con el enfoque en el mercado chino.
La plataforma de intercambio Coinlim es compatible con clientes iOS y Android. Los tokens de utilidad de la plataforma se lanzaron como tokens Coinlim (CLT).
De vez en cuando, Coinlim organiza competencias comerciales.
Un proyecto de token puede solicitar el listado completando un formulario especial en el sitio web. La información sobre nuevos listados se publica regularmente en los canales de medios de la compañía.
I guess what kind of people are these people who say they didn't take their money out? I only had this happen to my account once, but after verifying my account I have already withdrawn my money
I don't understand why you are slandering CoinLim, maybe you are undercover on Coinbase or other platforms. Do you get paid for every comment?
Total con
This is scam beware I lose 17908 usdt once you start trading with coinlim you can't withdraw this happens with me
Don't use this app or online platform
Coinlim. Net its totally fake
Stay away from this site. As soon as you try to withdraw money they will claim the “Ministry of Justice” flagged the account for suspicious activity and you will be required to pay 10% of your account value to unfreeze tier account.
Como vocês conheceram a coinlim pessoal?