Dash (DASH) vs Litecoin (LTC) Comparison

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Dash (DASH) and Litecoin (LTC) are two of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the market. Both of these cryptocurrencies have been around for a while and have a strong following. In this review, we will compare Dash and Litecoin based on various factors.

History and Background

Dash was created in 2014 as a fork of Bitcoin. It was originally known as Darkcoin and was rebranded to Dash in 2015. The main goal of Dash is to provide users with fast and secure transactions through its unique masternode network. The team behind Dash has been actively developing the cryptocurrency and has added several new features over the years, including InstantSend and PrivateSend.
Litecoin was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee, a former Google engineer. It was created as a fork of Bitcoin, with the aim of improving upon Bitcoin's slow transaction speed and high fees. Litecoin has several key differences from Bitcoin, including a faster block time, a different mining algorithm, and a higher supply limit.

Technology and Features

Dash has several unique features that set it apart from other cryptocurrencies. One of its most notable features is its masternode network, which enables instant transactions and also provides governance for the network. Masternodes are nodes on the Dash network that provide additional services, such as InstantSend and PrivateSend. InstantSend allows for near-instant transactions, while PrivateSend enables users to send transactions anonymously.
Litecoin, on the other hand, is very similar to Bitcoin in terms of its technology and features. However, it has a few key differences, such as a faster block time and a different mining algorithm. Litecoin uses the scrypt mining algorithm, which is designed to be resistant to ASIC mining, making it more accessible to individual miners.

Adoption and Usage

Dash has a strong following and is widely used for online transactions, particularly in Venezuela. Dash has a large number of merchants that accept it as payment, and the cryptocurrency can be used to pay for a variety of goods and services, from airline tickets to online gaming.
Litecoin is also widely used and accepted by merchants, although it is not as widely used as Dash. However, Litecoin has been around for longer than Dash, which means it has had more time to gain adoption and build a strong following.

Price Performance

Both Dash and Litecoin have seen significant price increases over the years. Dash saw a major price spike in 2017, when its price reached an all-time high of over $1,500. However, like most cryptocurrencies, it experienced a significant price correction in the following years. As of May 2023, Dash's price is around $400.
Litecoin has also seen significant price increases over the years, although it has not experienced the same level of volatility as Dash. Litecoin reached an all-time high of over $400 in 2017, and as of May 2023, its price is around $200.

Community and Development

Both Dash and Litecoin have active communities and development teams. Dash has a strong community of supporters, with many developers working on various projects to improve the cryptocurrency. The Dash development team has also been actively working on improving the cryptocurrency's features and usability.
Litecoin also has a strong community and development team, with many developers working on improving the cryptocurrency's technology and features. The Litecoin Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports the development of Litecoin, has also been actively working on various projects to improve the cryptocurrency.


User rating

4.8 / 5 4 reseñas de los usuarios 5.0 / 5 5 reseñas de los usuarios

Cryptogeek rating

4.2 / 5 3.4 / 5

Puntaje de confianza

¿Cómo funciona?
4.32 / 5 3.98 / 5


Dash se lanzó en 2014 y cambió varios nombres antes de convertirse en Dash como lo conocemos hoy en día. El objetivo inicial del proyecto era crear una red de criptomonedas que operara más rápido y más barato que Bitcoin y que fuera capaz de mantener más privacidad. Los titulares de grandes cantidades de Dash tienen diferentes privilegios (Envío Instantáneo, Envío Privado, etc.). Dash es un proyecto de código abierto. Tiene su propia blockchain. La moneda es compatible con muchas carteras criptográficas y ha ganado una capitalización de mercado significativa. Otro gran logro son sus numerosas asociaciones, incluidas las cooperaciones con Western Union, tiendas web, etc.
Litecoin fue creado en 2011 por un empleado de Google, Charlie Lee. Actualmente, esta criptomoneda es una de las más grandes por capitalización de mercado. Litecoin fue creado como uno de los primeros tenedores de la cadena de bloques de Bitcoin. Además, es seguro decir que Litecoin es una de las primeras monedas alternativas. Si bien Bitcoin se basa en el algoritmo SHA-256, Litecoin utiliza un algoritmo de cifrado más ligero.


coin coin

Fecha de creación

2014 2011


International International


Sin datos Sin datos


Public Public


Sin datos Public blockchain

Precio actual (USD)

30.3373 84.3301

Punto más alto (USD)

1642.2200 375.2900

Intercambiar en el precio (24h)

1.20 2.20

Volumen (24h)

3766853.66724 22654444.43476


6190000 165730

Suministros máximos

18900000.00000 84000000.00000

Suministro total

Sin datos Sin datos

Suministros circulantes

11771197.19470 74463108.23347

Velocidad de transacción / Tiempo de Bloque

30 56

Comisión de transacción

Sin datos Sin datos

Rentabilidad minera

Sin datos Sin datos


X11 Scrypt

Tipo de prueba


Totalmente preminado

Sin datos Sin datos

Dirección de contrato inteligente

Sin datos Sin datos

Total de monedas extraídas

9600464.64037 65464957.99676

Es el comercio

yes yes

Recompensa de bloque

2.884725003193 12.500000000000

Tiempo de bloque

140 150
User rating User rating 4.8 / 5 4 reseñas de los usuarios User rating 5.0 / 5 5 reseñas de los usuarios
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 4.2 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 3.4 / 5
Puntaje de confianza ¿Cómo funciona? Puntaje de confianza 4.32 / 5 Puntaje de confianza 3.98 / 5
Dash se lanzó en 2014 y cambió varios nombres antes de convertirse en Dash como lo conocemos hoy en día. El objetivo inicial del proyecto era crear una red de criptomonedas que operara más rápido y más barato que Bitcoin y que fuera capaz de mantener más privacidad. Los titulares de grandes cantidades de Dash tienen diferentes privilegios (Envío Instantáneo, Envío Privado, etc.). Dash es un proyecto de código abierto. Tiene su propia blockchain. La moneda es compatible con muchas carteras criptográficas y ha ganado una capitalización de mercado significativa. Otro gran logro son sus numerosas asociaciones, incluidas las cooperaciones con Western Union, tiendas web, etc.
Litecoin fue creado en 2011 por un empleado de Google, Charlie Lee. Actualmente, esta criptomoneda es una de las más grandes por capitalización de mercado. Litecoin fue creado como uno de los primeros tenedores de la cadena de bloques de Bitcoin. Además, es seguro decir que Litecoin es una de las primeras monedas alternativas. Si bien Bitcoin se basa en el algoritmo SHA-256, Litecoin utiliza un algoritmo de cifrado más ligero.
Tipo Tipo coin Tipo coin
Fecha de creación Fecha de creación 2014 Fecha de creación 2011
País País International País International
Idiomas Idiomas Sin datos Idiomas Sin datos
Equipo Equipo Public Equipo Public
Protocolo Protocolo Sin datos Protocolo Public blockchain
Precio actual (USD) Precio actual (USD) 30.3373 Precio actual (USD) 84.3301
Punto más alto (USD) Punto más alto (USD) 1642.2200 Punto más alto (USD) 375.2900
Intercambiar en el precio (24h) Intercambiar en el precio (24h) 1.20 Intercambiar en el precio (24h) 2.20
Volumen (24h) Volumen (24h) 3766853.66724 Volumen (24h) 22654444.43476
Hashrate Hashrate 6190000 Hashrate 165730
Suministros máximos Suministros máximos 18900000.00000 Suministros máximos 84000000.00000
Suministro total Suministro total Sin datos Suministro total Sin datos
Suministros circulantes Suministros circulantes 11771197.19470 Suministros circulantes 74463108.23347
Velocidad de transacción / Tiempo de Bloque Velocidad de transacción / Tiempo de Bloque 30 Velocidad de transacción / Tiempo de Bloque 56
Comisión de transacción Comisión de transacción Sin datos Comisión de transacción Sin datos
Rentabilidad minera Rentabilidad minera low Rentabilidad minera low
Algoritmo Algoritmo X11 Algoritmo Scrypt
Tipo de prueba Tipo de prueba PoW/PoS Tipo de prueba PoW
Totalmente preminado Totalmente preminado Sin datos Totalmente preminado Sin datos
Dirección de contrato inteligente Dirección de contrato inteligente Sin datos Dirección de contrato inteligente Sin datos
Total de monedas extraídas Total de monedas extraídas 9600464.64037 Total de monedas extraídas 65464957.99676
Es el comercio Es el comercio yes Es el comercio yes
Recompensa de bloque Recompensa de bloque 2.884725003193 Recompensa de bloque 12.500000000000
Tiempo de bloque Tiempo de bloque 140 Tiempo de bloque 150


Sitio web

www.dash.org litecoin.org


@Dashpay @LitecoinProject
Sitio web Sitio web www.dash.org Sitio web litecoin.org
Twitter Twitter @Dashpay Twitter @LitecoinProject


Seguridad fuerte Moneda de alta privacidad Alta velocidad de las transacciones Open-source Network Decentralized Transactions Fees


La descentralización es cuestionable Has some branding issues


User rating User rating 4.8 / 5 4 reseñas de los usuarios User rating 5.0 / 5 5 reseñas de los usuarios
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 4.2 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 3.4 / 5
Ventajas Ventajas Seguridad fuerte Moneda de alta privacidad Alta velocidad de las transacciones Ventajas Open-source Network Decentralized Transactions Fees
Desventajas Desventajas La descentralización es cuestionable Desventajas Has some branding issues

La calificación de Dash (DASH) es 4.8, basada en 4 opiniones de usuarios. La calificación de los usuarios de Litecoin (LTC) es 5.0, basada en 5 opiniones de los usuarios.

We also calculate the special Cryptogeek TrustScore based on the characteristics of each coin.

Elegimos al ganador basado en nuestra calificación de confianza ¡Por favor recuerde, todavía depende de usted que empresa elegir! ¿Cómo calculamos el puntaje de confiaza?
Puntaje de confianza: 4.32 / 5 Escríbe tu opinión
Puntaje de confianza: 3.98 / 5 Escríbe tu opinión
Elija otras empresas

Dash (DASH) and Litecoin (LTC) are two of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the market. Both of these cryptocurrencies have been around for a while and have a strong following. In this review, we will compare Dash and Litecoin based on various factors.

History and Background

Dash was created in 2014 as a fork of Bitcoin. It was originally known as Darkcoin and was rebranded to Dash in 2015. The main goal of Dash is to provide users with fast and secure transactions through its unique masternode network. The team behind Dash has been actively developing the cryptocurrency and has added several new features over the years, including InstantSend and PrivateSend.
Litecoin was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee, a former Google engineer. It was created as a fork of Bitcoin, with the aim of improving upon Bitcoin's slow transaction speed and high fees. Litecoin has several key differences from Bitcoin, including a faster block time, a different mining algorithm, and a higher supply limit.

Technology and Features

Dash has several unique features that set it apart from other cryptocurrencies. One of its most notable features is its masternode network, which enables instant transactions and also provides governance for the network. Masternodes are nodes on the Dash network that provide additional services, such as InstantSend and PrivateSend. InstantSend allows for near-instant transactions, while PrivateSend enables users to send transactions anonymously.
Litecoin, on the other hand, is very similar to Bitcoin in terms of its technology and features. However, it has a few key differences, such as a faster block time and a different mining algorithm. Litecoin uses the scrypt mining algorithm, which is designed to be resistant to ASIC mining, making it more accessible to individual miners.

Adoption and Usage

Dash has a strong following and is widely used for online transactions, particularly in Venezuela. Dash has a large number of merchants that accept it as payment, and the cryptocurrency can be used to pay for a variety of goods and services, from airline tickets to online gaming.
Litecoin is also widely used and accepted by merchants, although it is not as widely used as Dash. However, Litecoin has been around for longer than Dash, which means it has had more time to gain adoption and build a strong following.

Price Performance

Both Dash and Litecoin have seen significant price increases over the years. Dash saw a major price spike in 2017, when its price reached an all-time high of over $1,500. However, like most cryptocurrencies, it experienced a significant price correction in the following years. As of May 2023, Dash's price is around $400.
Litecoin has also seen significant price increases over the years, although it has not experienced the same level of volatility as Dash. Litecoin reached an all-time high of over $400 in 2017, and as of May 2023, its price is around $200.

Community and Development

Both Dash and Litecoin have active communities and development teams. Dash has a strong community of supporters, with many developers working on various projects to improve the cryptocurrency. The Dash development team has also been actively working on improving the cryptocurrency's features and usability.
Litecoin also has a strong community and development team, with many developers working on improving the cryptocurrency's technology and features. The Litecoin Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports the development of Litecoin, has also been actively working on various projects to improve the cryptocurrency.