Revisión experta
Oct 23, 2020

Monolith is a decentralised banking alternative, powered by Ethereum. Monolith provides a non-custodial contract wallet to store Ethereum-based tokens securely. Users can then exchange them to fiat and load them onto their Monolith Visa debit card. The Contract Wallet is non-custodial, open-source, and decentralised. It enforces advanced security features which are designed to protect users funds in the event of an attack. The Monolith Visa debit card is accepted globally and currently available for EEA residents (31 countries within Europe).

The Monolith token, TKN, gives community members a chance to participate in the success of the Monolith card. TKN is backed by a growing basket of ERC-20 tokens that people use to pay for everyday purchases. Each time a Monolith card user spends any other token than TKN, a 1% contribution is sent to the TKN Community Chest. Holders of TKN can then cash and burn their tokens at any time to redeem their share of the chest.

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Reseñas de los usuarios
Oksel 23 October 2020

I came to this coin from ETH. I think, it's some points, I hope it will grow.

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