Trustee Wallet logo
Trustee Wallet logo

مراجعة المحفظة الوصي

Country: USA
Launched: 2020
Security: Personal
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Average
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: Open Source, Hierarchical Deterministic
Platforms: Android, Mac OS
Source code URL:
ValidationType: SPV
Expert Review
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Mar 26, 2021

Trustee is a single multi-currency wallet for crypto.

Trustee Wallet is an innovative non-custodial multi-currency crypto-wallet with an inbuilt exchange. With it, you can send and receive virtual assets with your Visa/MasterCard.
Trustee Wallet offers cryptocurrency adepts a wide set of functions and removes obstacles in the use of cryptocurrency to newbies.

Our Score
Security 4 / 5
Support 3 / 5
Ease of use 4 / 5
Reputation 3 / 5
Fees 3 / 5
Our Score
3.4 / 5
Pros and Cons

- متعددة اللغات
- مفتوح المصدر
- الهرمية القطعية


- ليس مشهورا
- عدم وجود مصادقة اثنين عامل
- لا توقيع متعدد

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User reviews
Hunter 24 February 2023

0% commission on cryptocurrency transactions. Thank you for this opportunity!

Ronald 26 March 2021

too high limits on operations

Country: USA
Launched: 2020
Security: Personal
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Average
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: Open Source, Hierarchical Deterministic
Platforms: Android, Mac OS
Source code URL:
ValidationType: SPV
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