Lykke Wallet logo
Lykke Wallet logo

مراجعات محفظة Lykke

Country: Switzerland
Launched: 2015
Security: Personal
Anonymity: High
Ease of use: Easy
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: Hierarchical Deterministic, Open Source, Multi-Signature
Platforms: iOS, Android
Source code URL:
ValidationType: Full Node
Expert Review
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Jul 13, 2020

Lykke Wallet is the product of the eponymous crypto exchange. The mobile wallet has both Android and iOS versions whereas its online version is available for desktop platforms.

The wallet powers buy and exchange services. One can buy crypto with their bank card as well as withdraw funds to their bank account. According to the exchange's website, its trading fees are zero.

Other digital wallets can be added to the Lykke Wallet. 

Since the exchange is regulated, AML and KYC practices are in place for the Lykke users. Before starting to use the Lykke account, you need to complete the KYC checks. The Lykke corporation is based in Switzerland.

Our Score
Security 3 / 5
Support 5 / 5
Ease of use 4 / 5
Reputation 4 / 5
Fees 3 / 5
Our Score
3.8 / 5
Pros and Cons

- شراء وسحب مع النقود الورقية


- ليس مجهول

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User reviews
Paulo Derulo 2 October 2021

The only drawback of this wallet is its verification

Country: Switzerland
Launched: 2015
Security: Personal
Anonymity: High
Ease of use: Easy
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: Hierarchical Deterministic, Open Source, Multi-Signature
Platforms: iOS, Android
Source code URL:
ValidationType: Full Node
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