Security: Third Party Encrypted
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Average
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: Multi-Signature, 2 Factor Authentication, Hierarchical Deterministic
Platforms: Web
ValidationType: SPV
Expert Review
Sep 02, 2020

The Kimera platform provides access to selected cryptocurrencies on a shared policy and multi-signature level. The Kimera wallet management system provides utilities such as ERC20 smart contract of Token deployment and Crowd Sale smart contract deployment for ICOs. To secure funds, Kimera provides a full auditing trail, including a full index and auditing service for organizational transactions. By facilitating an automated transaction report system, Kimera sends an updated daily/weekly and monthly report of all previous transactions.  Kimera offers its wallet to both individual wallet holders and to enterprises as a white label solution.

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User reviews
Mateusz Diaz 4 November 2021

Not bad compared to others. At least not worse. I like the clean interface and good transfer speed

Security: Third Party Encrypted
Anonymity: Medium
Ease of use: Average
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: Multi-Signature, 2 Factor Authentication, Hierarchical Deterministic
Platforms: Web
ValidationType: SPV
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