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Citowise Wallet Reviews

Country: International
Expert Review
Aug 26, 2020

The website of Citowise Wallet is currently not active. Citowise was previously available for Android and iOS users.

The last reviews and mentions that could be tracked for the Citowise Wallet relate to 2018. Upon that, its profile remains to be present with Play Market and AppStore.

Citowise did not store the user’s private keys on its end and supported all available ERC-20 tokens.

Our Score
Security 1 / 5
Support 1 / 5
Ease of use 1 / 5
Reputation 1 / 5
Fees 1 / 5
Our Score
1 / 5
Pros and Cons

- No longer available

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User reviews
Marshall Jefferson 3 November 2021

It doesn't give me the impression of reliable service. For the most part, you can find other wallets that do the same thing, but better. I don't think it's worth paying attention to it.

Country: International
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