Launched: 2019
Expert Review
Feb 04, 2021

Constant is a fully-secured peer-to-peer lending platform. It offers interest of up to 11% APR and all lending is backed by borrower collateral, smart contracts, or buy-back guarantee. Borrowers can choose to be paid out in stablecoins or fiat currency, and over 60 different cryptocurrencies are accepted as collateral.

Constant connects investors with borrowers to do business together. It pools investor funds into a lending pool or reserve and matches instantly, whether you’re a borrower or an investor. Borrowers can choose to be paid out in stablecoins or fiat currency, and over 40+ different cryptocurrencies are accepted as collateral. Crypto collateral and buy-back guarantees protect investors’ funds while custodial partner safely manages the movement of funds and collateral.

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User reviews
Realman 4 February 2021

The $3m guarantee is a flimsy

Launched: 2019
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