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Multipool Reviews 2021 - CLOSED

Expert Review
Aug 12, 2020

Multipool was launched in 2012 and worked as a multi-cryptocurrency mining pool. As of now, registration is closed and Twitter account of Multipool saw the last update in February 2019.

Using Multipool, one could mine BTC, LTC, DASH, ANC, AUR, BXT, CANN, CAP, DGB, DGC, FRC, IXC, KARM, MEC, MOON, MZC, NAUT, NOTE, NVC, PPC, SPT, START, TIPS, TRC, UNB, URO, WDC and ZET and to merge mine NMC, UNO, DOGE, MYRH, VIA and UIS. Multipool charged a 1.5% fee.

Our Score
Ease of use 3 / 5
Security 3 / 5
Fees 3 / 5
Reputation 3 / 5
Our Score
3 / 5
Pros and Cons

No longer available
Not easy to use


Diversity of coins

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User reviews
Martin Alekseevich 22 December 2020

Decent pool with really ugly user interface

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