is an Ethereum, EthereumClassic, Expanse, Zcash and Musicoin mining pool. Users can mine all these currencies for a 0.25% fee and through a Prop payment system. Payouts run every 2 hours.
Maxhash is multicurrency mining pool for ETH, Ubiq, Expanse and Musicoin. Maxhash pools are highly optimized and hosted on dedicated high-performance servers currently in 2 locations (US & EU) that are fully DDOS protected. The pool features a Prop payment system and a Variable-Fee system - based on pool performance.
Headquartered in Hong Kong, Crypto Drilling is a cryptocurrency mining hardware seller. The customers are able to purchase mining devices such as ASIC miners or mining rigs online and pay using Bitcoin (BTC) or Fiat through a bank transfer. The deliveries are performed within 7-10 business days after Crypto Drilling received the payment.
التعدين الهولندي هو تجمع لتعدين الأثير في أوروبا حيث يمكن للمستخدمين استخراج الأخلاق مقابل رسوم بنسبة 0.25 ٪ ومن خلال نظام دفع الدعامة. يتقاسم المجمع دائما رسوم المعاملات مع عمال المناجم ويعالج المدفوعات بحد أدنى 0.2 إيثريوم.