is usually regarded as a Bitcoin faucet platform at times, although it's better to say that this website is a multi-functional online casino providing multiple ways to "win" bitcoins in different kinds of games. This platform is quite old and well-established. Allegedly, there are over 38 million registered users on the website. Since the times when the website began its operation in 2013, the users have received around 200,000 BTC. Nevertheless, many people question its profitability or even suspect of being a scam (at least to some extent). has gained popularity because it's really easy to use meaning that the games are easy to play while registration is reduced to the email address providing and setting a strong password. Of course, the security measures are in the place, too. KYC is not required on which drives lots of people who don't like to share much personal data to join the casino without hesitation. Free spins, BTC wallet, and other options promising easy money also look attractive for large amounts of visitors. The fact that exists for many years and most of the games are provable, makes this platform very popular.
Some of the ways to earn (or win) bitcoins on require investment, while others are free. Regardless of this, any user needs to register on the website and provide a BTC address.
If you don't have a Bitcoin wallet yet, it's not a hard thing to generate one. For instance, you can get a wallet in the Wallet tab of the Blockchain website ( or elsewhere.
On the homepage of the website, there is a registration form ( The registration takes only an email address and a setting of the password. Then, the registration should be verified via email. The Bitcoin address should be inserted in the Profile section of the website menu. It can be done in the “Change Withdrawal Address” tab. Without this step receiving rewards is impossible. When the account is set, the user can click on the ROLL button and start earning BTC.
It's important to understand that this platform like any other decent BTC faucet doesn't provide an opportunity to make much money out of nothing. Rather, it allows people to earn some extra cash gradually. The platform cannot replace a full-day job in terms of pay. However, brings some money and many people still use it to get some cash.
One of the most obvious ways to earn BTC on is doing the same job that people do on most BTC faucets — through solving captchas. This way has proven itself to be stable but inefficient as much time is spent in exchange for neglectable rewards. In fact, is way more popular because of the rest options allowing to earn some Satoshi.
For example, there is an option called Free Bitcoins Every Hour. The website claims the users can win up to $200 in BTC. All one needs to do in order to win some Satoshi is completing a captcha. The user's random “lucky number” determines the size of the reward. Theoretically, the possible win from Free Bitcoins Every Hour ranges from 0.00000024 BTC to 0.024 BTC. Each solved captcha brings another couple of lottery tickets and two Reward Points. At the bottom of the page, there is a timer showing the time remaining until the next available captcha.
Free Lottery is another way to get some BTC dust on Users get free lottery tickets as rewards for different kinds of activity on the site. Additionally, users can buy these tickets (1 Satoshi per 1 ticket). The lottery minimum sum that can be won via the lottery is set to 0.0006 BTC. The maximum prize reaches 0.31 BTC. The prizes are sent to 10 winners each drawing. One can check the number of her/his lottery tickets in the Lottery section of the website. There one can buy more tickets and process the approximate chance of victory. It's understood that the more tickets one has, the bigger chance that she/he will win.
Your Bitcoins. One needs to guess the random numbers generated by the platform (“hi-lo jackpots”). It works the following way: the user should pick between "bet high" (if she/he thinks that the number will be higher than 5250) or "bet low" (if she/he thinks that the number will be lower than 4750). The minimum bet is 0.00000001 BTC. Each try brings one lottery ticket unconditionally and some other reward points in case if certain conditions are fulfilled. According to the website, the prizes can reach up to 1 BTC.
Once an hour, it is possible to win a 0.00000022 BTC to 0.0224 BTC via the dice game. After hitting a "Roll" button, a player receives a random number from 0 to 1000. The numbers correspond with certain rewards.
Moreover, users can wager on the HI-LO dice game or even bet on different events via the website. Users can bet for or against the odds via the P2P odds platform provided by Ten users with the highest wagering volume get a chance to win the prize of $21,600 in BTC. The contest is held once a month. Participating in wagering BTC games and betting on the events can be rewarded in Golden Tickets. The Golden Ticket lottery drawings can bring such prizes as Lamborghini.
Also, there is a weekly lottery on the platform. It allows winning up to $7,500 in BTC. Moreover, those who play "big" can hope for a more serious win in the wagering and referral contest with a $32,500 maximum prize.
More than that, users can earn interest from bitcoins stored on The minimum amount of money required for this is 0.0003 BTC. The stored funds can be withdrawn at any moment without obstacles. The annual interest can reach up to 4.08%.
One of the methods that appeared to be useful both for the platform and the users is the referral program. offers generous rewards to those who bring more users to the website. It seems that this stimulus works pretty well as there are dozens of millions of registered users on Users receive 50% of what their referrals win. Besides this, they get one free lottery ticket for each game played by the referrals. Once a month, the website is giving $10,900 away as a prize for the highest sum accumulated by the person's referrals. The top 10 users with the highest-grossing referrals receive huge prizes.
In the Withdrawal section, users can choose one of three withdrawal options. They differ in fees and the way money is received. The "Auto" option means that BTC coins are withdrawn automatically once a week, on Mondays. There are also "slow" and "instant" options with different speed of transactions and different fees. The minimum withdrawal threshold for all options is 0.0003 BTC.
There are no publicly available reports of proven cases of security breaches on the platform's side. The users are encouraged to use 2-factor authentication. This protection method creates a token that constantly generates one-time passwords on the user's device. If the intruder tries to enter the account, she/he will be hit by the requirement to insert this code that cannot be reached without the physical possession of the user's device generating these codes. This security measure is quite regular for cryptocurrency platforms.
As the cryptocurrency industry is attractive for scammers of all kinds it's important to figure out if is not a fraudulent platform before using it. It's not a hard task to find scam accusations about almost every cryptocurrency platform. What is really hard is distinguishing false accusations left by disappointed users whose expectations fell short from the really disturbing reports of actual misconduct from the platform's side. In many cases, there is no chance to check if the reports are true. Anyway, it's important to consider them and analyze them thoroughly. Moreover, it is better to notice if the company reacts to accusations and provide assistance or just argue with unhappy customers.
There are complaints regarding For instance, some people claim that instead of a 47% chance of win (that is declared by the website) the chances are much lower. Some say that it is possible to lose for 20 or even 30 consecutive times. One alleged user reported that he spent around 1 BTC in a 50/50 dice game and had zero wins. Interestingly, this claim was taken with a bit of skepticism from other alleged users as they told that they play on for several years, and win some amounts from time to time. In general, the amount of complaints is not big if we trust that there are actually over 38 million users on the platform. Others don't trust the stats displayed on the website, doubting the number of users, games plaid, and the rest figures. However, no one did enough to prove that the figures are true or false. There are lots of positive reports of the platform from people who claim that although they didn't win much, the casino is fair and they can withdraw their money anytime without any trouble. It doesn't seem that the company could have been capable of faking all of these user reviews.
All in all, we deal with a legit online Bitcoin casino. It's easy and safe to use although hoping for big wins is almost baseless. The platform is quite old and proved itself to be a popular BTC gambling website with a strong reputation.
Apoyando un comentario anterior, es cierto que su atención al cliente o soporte es más que pésima. Les dejo el inicio de la respuesta que recibí hace un momento, donde se ve que usan la palabra "idiota" al referirse a los usuarios.
Si bien es cierto que poco a poco se puede ir ganando, ya son alrededor de tres veces que tengo demasiadas veces consecutivas perdidas, las últimas de 10 (como cuatro veces) o 20 tiradas consecutivas, y eso sin llegar a los 16000 satoshis siquiera. Es como que la plataforma estuviera programada para no dejarlo avanzar a uno, o uno se debe esforzar mucho mentalmente para buscar una técnica. Aunque créanme que después de haber encontrado alguna forma para siquiera ganar un par de satoshis adicionales, es después de eso que la plataforma me ha bloqueado más el ganar algo. Escribí al centro de contacto de FreeBitcoin y ellos aseguran que los números no están a su favor, pero en mi experiencia, sí. Además, si no fuera así, no sería un buen negocio.
I satoshi dati in omaggio sono pochissimi e tendono sempre a diminuire, mentre il gioco Hi-Lo è una vera truffa, dato che continua a farti perdere anche 20 volte consecutive, fino a svuotarti il conto
Das Multipy Spiel ist großer Betrug. Hat nix mit Realität zu tun. Funktioniert bei kleinen Einsätzen ca. 10 Minuten hin und her. Dann Totalverlust. Bei 47% Gewinnchance kommt 20 mal nix. Aber das ganze nicht nur einmal sondern jedesmal.
On January 4, 2021, FREEBITCO.IN banned me from their site and seize all of my BITCOINS that I had deposited for breaking their Terms of Service.
They stole $5500,00 in bitcoins that I deposited, without giving any type of warning that I was breaking their rules.
I had been a member of their site since approximately 2013 and I though it was a fair and trustworthy site.
They allow users of the site to roll a digital wheel ever hour to earn free bitcoins and depending on the numbers displayed on the wheel you could win up to $200.00 in bitcoins ever hour.
In addition, they paid 4% interest on any bitcoins that you had deposited in their supplied bitcoin wallet.
They also paid a tiered reward bitcoin payout for referring additional members to their site.
In addition, they allowed users to gamble with with their bitcoins by placing bets on sporting events, elections, etc.
They would also allow users to buy lottery tickets for a chance to win a Lamborghini or a lottery in a bitcoin pool to earn part of the pool earnings.
Furthermore, they also had a high-low gambling betting game that you could spin the wheel to earn different payouts (just like a roulette table) to earn additional bitcoins.
This lead me to believe that they wanted additional members and as such, I signed up nine different accounts.
Then each hour I would roll the digital wheel and win small amounts of bitcoin satoshi (a decimal amount).
Furthermore, in each of these accounts, I would deposit at least 0.01200000 in bitcoin satoshi to earn interest.
This benefited both myself and Freebitco as they claim that they are mining bitcoins and use the bitcoins that their user's deposit to pay for their mining operation.
But, they banned me from their site and then stole 0.13514624 in bitcoins (worth $5,500 as of this date) from my accounts before I realized something was wrong.
These accounts logged me off the site and would not allow me to log back in.
This banning could be a result of for the most part, I did not gamble with any of my accounts, with the exception of when Freebitco, would force users to gamble by placing bets or buying lottery tickets to remove the filling out of their Captcha puzzles that you had to solve every hour to qualify for a free roll.
So, in effect they were not making any money off of me once I qualified to have the Captcha puzzle removed.
Now, this is not the only time Freebitco has stolen from me. Sometime approximately in the year 2017, I did place several bets on various betting pools, that was in place for guessing how high the price of bitcoin would go within the next month.
I placed four bets, all betting that the bitcoin price would be around $5,000.00 per bitcoin. Three of these bets, I won the betting pool, but on the third which happen to be the highest bet, I bet approximately 0.100000 that bitcoin price would be around $5,000.00 at the end of the month.
All of my bets were placed for Bitcoin to be around $5,000.00 at the end of the month. But, I lost my highest bet, even though I could have sworn that I placed the bet for being around $5,000.00 the same as all of the smaller bets.
Shortly, before the end of the month, I noticed that the high bet was not recorded for the bitcoin price to be around $5,000.00, but was placed on a different bet than what I though I had bet on.
I contacted the site owner of Freebitco and ask what happen, I told him that I placed the bet, for bitcoin being around $5000.00 at the end of the month, but he stated he checked the records and that was not the case, So I accepted the loss as being operator error.
But, come to find out, I checked some of the additional bets that were running and discovered that the placement of where you checkmark for your bet, would randomly rotate and would not be in the same spot as it was previously.
So, for example, if you had five choices to choose from, and you wanted the number one choice as your bet, then the next day, you decided to place another bet for the same betting option, but this time the bet option maybe would be option number 3 rather that the number one option that it was previously.
I suspect, that was my case, when I lost the big bet that I place, when I won the three smaller bets. So, in a sense, Freebitco rigged the betting and caused me to lose the bet, or thus in effect steal my bitcoin.
Every since then, I have not gambled on Freebitco site, with the exception of when the site owner forces it's users to gamble to remove the Captcha puzzle, so you can roll the free roll.
Now, I am in a legal battle to recover my stolen bitcoins. So, I would suggest, that if you are a user of this site or planning on becoming a user of this site, remove all of your bitcoins and do NOT DEPOSIT any funds within Freebitco.
Just use the site for the Free bitcoin rolls and stay far away from any of the gambling sections of this site.
My ultimate goal is to close down this site forever. I will continue with my legal battle and will also contact any and all Federal Authorities concerning the illegal gambling that occurs at this site.
What I learned by being a victim of this site, and by conducting research into the online gambling rules states that it is illegal to have an online gambling site within the United States and/or have a website run from within the United States. So, be forewarned. Your site will soon come to an end.