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Nick 18 October 2021

Why is this cryptocurrency exchange only for people from Iran?

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OceanEx هو تبادل عملة معماة مركزية تأسست في نوفمبر 2018. الشركة لديها مقر في جزر كايمان. من بين الأعضاء الأساسيين في فريق OceanEx ، هناك أشخاص عملوا في CISCO و Samsung Research و Baidu و Morgan Stanely وبعض الشركات الكبرى الأخرى.
SwapSpace is a crypto exchange aggregator that doesn't require registration. The platform provides an opportunity to swap around 300 cryptocurrencies suing fixed and floating rates. SwapSpace has a row of partnerships with such significant companies as Changelly, ChangeNow, and SimpleSwap. The main priority of SwapSpace is saving its customers' time by doing much of the work for them. The platform strives to provide its customers with trading at the most profitable rates. All the rates are gathered and displayed at one tab so the traders can compare the prices and make decisions on what to buy or sell without any hassle. The users can get assistance from the support team that works 24/7. What makes SwapSpace especially comfortable and transparent is the fact that is doesn't collect any fees above the fees charged by the partner exchanges. 
ديجيفينكس هو منصة تداول الأصول ديتيجال. وهو يغطي أسواق غرفة تبادل معلومات السلامة الأحيائية ، بتك،إيث، تركس ، أوسدت وكذلك أزواج ضد دفت ، رمز فائدة المنصة.