Company | ||
User rating | 1 user reviews | 1 user reviews |
Cryptogeek rating | ||
Trust Score How it works |
Litecoin Core هو برنامج آمن مفتوح المصدر يستخدم فقط لإدارة العملة الرقمية Litecoin وعميل كامل العقدة. فمن المستحسن للمستخدمين المتقدمين.
Omni wallet هي محفظة ويب مفتوحة المصدر لطبقة Omni. هذا يعني المحفظة التي تدعم أصول Bitcoin و Omni Protocol مثل Omni Tokens.
2018 | 2014 |
International | International |
English | English |
Software wallet | Software wallet |
Cold wallet | Hot wallet |
Available | Not available |
0 | 3 - Bitcoin (BTC), MaidSafeCoin (MAID), Tether (USDT) |
No data | No data |
No data | No data |
No data | No data |
No data | No data |
No data | No data |
No data | No data |
No data | No data |
About |
Litecoin Core هو برنامج آمن مفتوح المصدر يستخدم فقط لإدارة العملة الرقمية Litecoin وعميل كامل العقدة. فمن المستحسن للمستخدمين المتقدمين.
Omni wallet هي محفظة ويب مفتوحة المصدر لطبقة Omni. هذا يعني المحفظة التي تدعم أصول Bitcoin و Omni Protocol مثل Omni Tokens.
Founding Date | Founding Date 2018 | Founding Date 2014 |
Country | Country International | Country International |
Languages | Languages English | Languages English |
Wallet type | Wallet type Software wallet | Wallet type Software wallet |
Storage type | Storage type Cold wallet | Storage type Hot wallet |
Private keys | Private keys Available | Private keys Not available |
Available coins | Available coins 0 | Available coins 3 - Bitcoin (BTC), MaidSafeCoin (MAID), Tether (USDT) |
Security | Security No data | Security No data |
Anonymity | Anonymity No data | Anonymity No data |
Ease of use | Ease of use No data | Ease of use No data |
Has attached card | Has attached card No data | Has attached card No data |
Has trading facilities | Has trading facilities No data | Has trading facilities No data |
Has vouchers and offers | Has vouchers and offers No data | Has vouchers and offers No data |
Features | Features No data | Features No data | | |
@LitecoinDotCom | @omniwallet |
Website | Website | Website |
Twitter @LitecoinDotCom | Twitter @omniwallet |
- مفتوح المصدر - تعزيز الخصوصية - يتم تخزين مفاتيح المستخدم على جانبهم | - مفتوح المصدر - مفاتيح خاصة متاحة للمستخدم |
- تحدي للمبتدئين - يخدم فقط Litecoin | - هناك مراجعات غير راضية |
User rating | User rating 1 user reviews | User rating 1 user reviews |
Cryptogeek rating | Cryptogeek rating | Cryptogeek rating |
Advantages | Advantages - مفتوح المصدر - تعزيز الخصوصية - يتم تخزين مفاتيح المستخدم على جانبهم | Advantages - مفتوح المصدر - مفاتيح خاصة متاحة للمستخدم |
Disadvantages | Disadvantages - تحدي للمبتدئين - يخدم فقط Litecoin | Disadvantages - هناك مراجعات غير راضية |
Litecoin Core Wallet user rating is 5, based on 1 user reviews. Omni Wallet user rating is 2, based on 1 user reviews.
We also calculate the special Cryptogeek TrustScore based on the characteristics of each wallet.
We choose the winner based on our TrustScore Rating. Please remember, it’s still up to you which company to choose! How do we calculate Trust Score? |
This Litecoin Core Wallet vs Omni Wallet comparison is based on the most recent data on both companies. We do our best to provide you with unbiased information about cryptocurrency companies.
Based on user reviews only, Litecoin Core Wallet is rated 5 with 1 user reviews, while Omni Wallet is rated 2 with 1 user reviews.
Let's finally move to overall Trust Score: