مقارنة Bitcoin Cash (BCH) مع Monero (XMR) Coin

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4.4 / 5 7 user review 5 / 5 3 user review

Cryptogeek rating

4 / 5 4 / 5

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How it works
4.19 / 5 3.95 / 5


Bitcoin Cash is the most popular Bitcoin hard fork proposed by Roger Ver in 2017 as a solution to the problem of slow transactions in the Bitcoin network. The idea was to create a version of Bitcoin that would be better for payments, while original Bitcoin is considered more as a store of value. Bitcoin Cash has a bigger block size than Bitcoin so the transactions of this currency are faster and cheaper. On the other side, it requires more resources to run the full node of Bitcoin Cash which makes it more vulnerable to centralization. Bitcoin Cash quickly attracted a huge following and became a prominent part of the cryptocurrency market. BCH is available on many exchanges and is supported by numerous crypto services. Since the launch of the project, it has never left the top 10.
Monero is the most significant privacy-focused cryptocurrency on the market. It was created in 2014. The main feature of Monero is mixing of transactions in the blockchain. Third parties can't see amounts of money sent in transactions and addresses participating in operations, so all payments are untraceable. The developers are keeping it ASIC-resistant. It saves this network from centralization and gives an opportunity for GPU owners to earn something from mining Monero. Despite its lack of serious marketing campaign Monero has gained a strong following on different forums and social media platforms. In 2016 the price of Monero began to grow. Nowadays this currency is one of the top 15 cryptocurrencies by its market cap.


coin coin

Founding Date

2017 2014


International International


No data No data


Public Not Public


Public blockchain Public blockchain

Current price (USD)

295.3118 210.0062

All-time high (USD)

4355.6200 495.8400

Price change (24h)

0.80 -2.75

Volume (24h)

4968408.55263 13381384.14733


2653000000 1

Max Supply

21000000.00000 No data

Total supply

No data No data

Circulating Supply

19835265.52165 18561476.91516

Transaction speed / Block time

116 26

Transaction fee

No data No data

Mining profitability

No data No data


SHA-256 CryptoNight-V7

Proof type


Fully premined

No data No data

Smart contract address

No data No data

Total coins mined

18462627.14680 17632039.18461

Is trading

yes yes

Block reward

6.250000000000 1.554846810247

Block time

600 120
User rating User rating 4.4 / 5 7 user review User rating 5 / 5 3 user review
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 4 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 4 / 5
Trust Score How it works Trust Score 4.19 / 5 Trust Score 3.95 / 5
Bitcoin Cash is the most popular Bitcoin hard fork proposed by Roger Ver in 2017 as a solution to the problem of slow transactions in the Bitcoin network. The idea was to create a version of Bitcoin that would be better for payments, while original Bitcoin is considered more as a store of value. Bitcoin Cash has a bigger block size than Bitcoin so the transactions of this currency are faster and cheaper. On the other side, it requires more resources to run the full node of Bitcoin Cash which makes it more vulnerable to centralization. Bitcoin Cash quickly attracted a huge following and became a prominent part of the cryptocurrency market. BCH is available on many exchanges and is supported by numerous crypto services. Since the launch of the project, it has never left the top 10.
Monero is the most significant privacy-focused cryptocurrency on the market. It was created in 2014. The main feature of Monero is mixing of transactions in the blockchain. Third parties can't see amounts of money sent in transactions and addresses participating in operations, so all payments are untraceable. The developers are keeping it ASIC-resistant. It saves this network from centralization and gives an opportunity for GPU owners to earn something from mining Monero. Despite its lack of serious marketing campaign Monero has gained a strong following on different forums and social media platforms. In 2016 the price of Monero began to grow. Nowadays this currency is one of the top 15 cryptocurrencies by its market cap.
Type Type coin Type coin
Founding Date Founding Date 2017 Founding Date 2014
Country Country International Country International
Languages Languages No data Languages No data
Team Team Public Team Not Public
Protocol Protocol Public blockchain Protocol Public blockchain
Current price (USD) Current price (USD) 295.3118 Current price (USD) 210.0062
All-time high (USD) All-time high (USD) 4355.6200 All-time high (USD) 495.8400
Price change (24h) Price change (24h) 0.80 Price change (24h) -2.75
Volume (24h) Volume (24h) 4968408.55263 Volume (24h) 13381384.14733
Hashrate Hashrate 2653000000 Hashrate 1
Max Supply Max Supply 21000000.00000 Max Supply No data
Total supply Total supply No data Total supply No data
Circulating Supply Circulating Supply 19835265.52165 Circulating Supply 18561476.91516
Transaction speed / Block time Transaction speed / Block time 116 Transaction speed / Block time 26
Transaction fee Transaction fee No data Transaction fee No data
Mining profitability Mining profitability low Mining profitability low
Algorithm Algorithm SHA-256 Algorithm CryptoNight-V7
Proof type Proof type PoW Proof type PoW
Fully premined Fully premined No data Fully premined No data
Smart contract address Smart contract address No data Smart contract address No data
Total coins mined Total coins mined 18462627.14680 Total coins mined 17632039.18461
Is trading Is trading yes Is trading yes
Block reward Block reward 6.250000000000 Block reward 1.554846810247
Block time Block time 600 Block time 120



www.bitcoincash.org ww.getmonero.org


Bitcoin Cash Monero
Website Website www.bitcoincash.org Website ww.getmonero.org
Twitter Twitter Bitcoin Cash Twitter Monero


Scalable Highly Efficient Easy To Acquire Secure Untraceable Could grow rapidly with arms trading Private, untraceable and unfungible


Branding Issues Can be used for shady things Not physically-backed Risk of regulation


User rating User rating 4.4 / 5 7 user review User rating 5 / 5 3 user review
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 4 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 4 / 5
Advantages Advantages Scalable Highly Efficient Easy To Acquire Advantages Secure Untraceable Could grow rapidly with arms trading Private, untraceable and unfungible
Disadvantages Disadvantages Branding Issues Disadvantages Can be used for shady things Not physically-backed Risk of regulation

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) user rating is 4.4, based on 7 user reviews. Monero (XMR) user rating is 5, based on 3 user reviews.

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