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Ethereum (ETH) logo

Ethereum (ETH) Price and Reviews

Country: Canada
Launched: 2015
Market cap: $ 297,304,206,651.62
Supply: 120,585,643.858
Symbol: ETH
Price (USD): $ 2,466.5025
Volume 24h: $ 2,717,634,986.9938
Change 24h: 11.7%
Algorithm: Ethash
Proof type: PoW
Total coins mined: 111,766,505.615
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 2.0
Block time: 15.0
Expert Review
May 22, 2020

Ethereum is an innovation network providing its own blockchain with its cryptocurrency (Ether or ETH). This blockchain hosts decentralized applications (DApps) that were first introduced by Ethereum. Another innovation of this platform is the implementation of smart contracts which has changed the perception of the possible use of the blockchain, revealing the potential of the technology to its fullest. Besides, Ethereum can be used as a virtual computing machine. Ethereum was created in late 2014 by a programmer and Bitcoin researcher Vitalik Buterin. Ether is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap. Like Bitcoin, the network is guarded by Proof-of-Work protocol although it was announced that Ethereum is going to switch to Proof-of-Stake in the future. The hugest known flaw of Etehreum is the network's low scalability.

Our Score
Transaction speed 5 / 5
Technology 5 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Investment potential 4 / 5
Reputation 5 / 5
Our Score
4.6 / 5
Pros and Cons

Well-known Founder

An expanding developer community

More than a cryptocurrency

Continues to attract more businesses


Struggles with scaling

Uses a complicated programming language

High transaction fees

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User reviews
Bertha 7 October 2021

The best of the best!

Alexei I 6 October 2021

Nice coin, highly recommend

Martin Alekseevich 23 June 2021


Country: Canada
Launched: 2015
Market cap: $ 297,304,206,651.62
Supply: 120,585,643.858
Symbol: ETH
Price (USD): $ 2,466.5025
Volume 24h: $ 2,717,634,986.9938
Change 24h: 11.7%
Algorithm: Ethash
Proof type: PoW
Total coins mined: 111,766,505.615
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 2.0
Block time: 15.0
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