التكنولوجيا المتقدمة عملة أو قوس هو عملة معماة الذي يستخدم كوسيلة الصرف في المشاريع والشركات ذات الصلة التشفير. كما يمكن استخدامه كأداة استثمار بديلة مقارنة بالعملات الورقية العادية.
Bluzelle is currently based on cryptocurrency Ethereum protocol.
You can check Bluzelle's market cap and volume on widget of our partner.
Also you can see the latest BLZ price on Cryptogeek.info. You can leave your feedback and reviews about Bluzelle cryptocurrency here.
ICON is currently based on cryptocurrency Other protocol.
You can check ICON's market cap and volume on widget of our partner.
Also you can see the latest ICX price on Cryptogeek.info. You can leave your feedback and reviews about ICON cryptocurrency here.
Pura (PURA) digital assets seem to be currently inactive. Originally, the developers’ idea was to leverage anonymous and instant transaction through offering PURA coin. PURA is the project of the Dash team.