361 company

أرك (أرك) هو الرمز الأصلي لمنصة أرك القائمة على بلوكشين. توفر المنصة نفسها الأدوات التي تمكن المستخدمين من تطوير وتخصيص سلاسل بلوكتشين أخرى. يمكن إدارة البلوكشين من خلال لغة برمجة تيبسكريبت. علاوة على ذلك ، يمكن ربط هذه الكتل ببعضها البعض من خلال وظيفة أرك. يمكن استخدام إطار أرك لتنفيذ عمليات الند للند ، وإدارة البيانات على دفتر الأستاذ الموزع ، والوصول إلى حلول أبي ، وما إلى ذلك. يمكن استخدام واجهة المعاملات العامة لتخصيص أنواع المعاملات وسلسلة الكتل بأكملها. على عكس صلابة ، تيبسكريبت هو أسهل بكثير لعامة الناس مما يجعل Ark أكثر سهولة في الاستخدام.


أرقام هو مشروع بلوكتشين عام لامركزي وهو مفتوح المصدر بالكامل. يتكون فريق التطوير من المتحمسين الذين يتعاملون مع التشفير وعلوم الكمبيوتر لفترة طويلة.


Arweave aims to make information permanence sustainable. Arweave describes itself as a new type of storage that backs data with sustainable and perpetual endowments, allowing users and developers to store data forever. As a collectively owned hard drive that never forgets, Arweave aims to allow users to remember and preserve valuable information, apps, and history indefinitely. By preserving history, it prevents others from rewriting it.

Aryacoin is simillar to other cryptocurrencies in many aspects but is far more different than any in functioning.

One of the main goals of Aryacoin is to be as transparent and as decentralized as possible to do this Aryacoin is moving towards becoming one of the few really decentralized DAO’s out there.


Auctus (AUC) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform.


Auroracoin (AUR) is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency launched on January 24, 2014 as an Icelandic alternative to bitcoin and the Icelandic króna. The unknown creator or creators used the pseudonym Baldur Friggjar Óðinsson and allocated (premined) half of the 21 million total coins for the 330,000 Icelandic citizens living in Iceland.

AXEL is a next-generation tech company that truly cares about your privacy and security. Technology has sped forward at an unbelievable pace. Computing power that would have taken a room to house only a few decades ago now fits in the palm of your hand. Throughout this exciting time, communication and engagement with people worldwide have become an effortless and daily occurrence for billions. On the surface, it appears like the initial potential of the internet has been realized. Dig a bit deeper, however, and you find concerning realities.


BaaSid is a Identity verification, authentication, DID, data authentication, 2FA, and MFA based on data decentralization and blockchain. Authentication data is stored and managed in decentralized storage without original copy. This is applied to various services by interlocking with solutions and platforms.

Babb is a financial blockchain platform based in London (United Kingdom) that aims to bring accessible financial services for the unbanked and under-banked. Babb's mission is to become a decentralised banking platform that leverages blockchain, AI, and biometrics technology to offer anyone in the world access to peer-to-peer financial services. There are at least 2 billion people in the world without a bank account or basic banking services, and it is not viable for the traditional banking system to serve them. Babb is a new approach, using innovative technology to crowdsource financial services and completely removes the need for banks as we know them.


مع أخذ عملة شبعا إينو الصغيرة في الاعتبار ، يمكن الإشارة إليها على أنها عملة تشبه إلى حد ما شبعا إينو. تدور العملة حول عملة أخرى متعلقة بالكلب (من لا يحبهم?) ، هذه المرة باستخدام جرو بدلا من كلب كامل النمو. العملة لا يتساءل لنشر الحب للكلاب ، مثل سابقاتها.


BankCoin Eco Chain (BankCoin) has built a developed Defi ecosystem, with wallets, assets, and applications rankings. Users can easily experience the latest DApps.


رمز الاهتمام الأساسي (أو BAT) هو رمز الأداة المساعدة وأداة تبادل الإعلانات المرتبطة بمتصفح Brave. BAT هو مشروع لامركزي مفتوح المصدر لأنه يعتمد على blockchain Ethereum.

يهدف مفهوم BAT ذاته إلى تغيير العلاقات بين المستخدمين والمعلنين والناشرين لإنشاء مساحة إعلانية منفصلة حيث يمكن إيقاف تشغيل الإعلانات بسهولة من قبل المستخدمين. إذا اختار المستخدمون مشاهدة الإعلانات ، فإنهم يحصلون على مكافآت من المعلنين في رموز BAT. يمكن للمستخدمين التبرع برموز BAT لمنشئي المحتوى أو استخدامها على النظام الأساسي.


سرية وسريعة وسهلة الاستخدام
قيادة الطريق إلى التمويل اللامركزي السري


Beldex is a leading privacy-based ecosystem consisting of privacy-first decentralized applications that include BChat, BelNet, Beldex browser, the Beldex privacy protocol, and the Beldex bridge. The Beldex project is committed to enhancing your privacy online BDX is a privacy coin and a utility on the privacy-preserving DApps. For privacy lovers, Beldex is the one-stop destination for everything from private messaging to private transactions.


bestdealstoken is a type of cryptocurrency, which can be spent and traded just like any other currency. However the main difference is unlike bank-issued currencies, bestdealstoken has no central authority or anyone controlling bestdealstoken. bestdealstoken is controlled only by its users.


عملة بيزوج إيرث هي "عملة ميمي" لامركزية تعمل بسببها على تنفيذ وجودها الخاص في الميتافيرس.

The computing power coin (BHP Coin, BHP for short) is the original token of BHP public chain, and is also an equity token, which is used to stimulate the blockchain construction and manage the blockchain ecosystem.


A Christian Cryptocurrency that funds charities!

Bibox Token (BIX) is a utility token issued by Bibox platform and enables users of the platform to pay transaction fees with these tokens. Cryptocurrency pairs including BIX Token are listed on the number of exchanges.

Binance Coin is a digital asset issued in 2017 by Binance, which is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges. Binance Coin (BNB) is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain. The asset is available on most of the big centralized exchanges.

Binance Coin gets strong support both on Binance and Binance DEX. Binance users get discounts for trades with pairs that include BNB, while on Binance DEX most of the trading pairs include BNB. Due to the strong popularity of the brand, the native Binance asset has quickly became a major success and one of the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. It survived harsh 2018 without any notable troubles.
