359 company

DxChain Token (DX) is a cryptocurrency and operates on the Ethereum platform.


تتصور شبكة عكاش عالما تكون فيه الحوسبة السحابية بلا إذن ، وذات سيادة ، ومفتوحة ، حيث يتمتع بناة الإنترنت بحرية أكبر لتوسيع التجربة الإنسانية.

TON is a third-generation proof-of-stake blockchain designed in 2018 by the Durov brothers, the founders of Telegram Messenger. Later, it was handed over to our open TON Community, which has been supporting and developing it ever since.

TON was designed for lightning-fast transactions. It's ultra-cheap, user-friendly, and fully operational.


Launched in 2018 with no ICO, XBI describes itself as a privacy-preserving cryptocurrency and Decentralised Autonomous Organisation that aims to allow private and crosschain DeFi. It is a Proof of Stake coin featuring decentralized governance, masternodes, and privacy techniques like Ring CT and Bulletproofs. The current focus of XBI is working on lightweight and scalable privacy protocol and crosschain private swaps.

BankCoin Eco Chain (BankCoin) has built a developed Defi ecosystem, with wallets, assets, and applications rankings. Users can easily experience the latest DApps.


Iconomi (ICN) cryptocurrency  is currently inactive. As of September 2018, all ICN tokens were converted into Ethereum or ICONOMI AG shares.

Auroracoin (AUR) is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency launched on January 24, 2014 as an Icelandic alternative to bitcoin and the Icelandic króna. The unknown creator or creators used the pseudonym Baldur Friggjar Óðinsson and allocated (premined) half of the 21 million total coins for the 330,000 Icelandic citizens living in Iceland.

Storm (STORM) is an ERC-20 fuel token of the eponymous platform, which works as the freelancer marketplace. The token is listed by a number of exchanges.

كتل الإنترنت المتقدمة (أيب) يصف نفسه بأنه قيمة مزدوجة متعددة الأصول كتلة سلسلة متشعب من بيتكوين و ليتسوان مع دمج التعدين تمكين.


Tether is a cryptocurrency launched in 2014. It is a so-called stablecoin currently leading by market capitalization. Although according to the initial idea, each Tether was backed by $1 (that was going to keep the price of Tether stable), the company not always managed to maintain this price (at some point in October 2018 the price dropped to $0.9 per one Tether). Tether succeeds in terms of market capitalization and its price is almost all the time is really close to $1.


Celsius (CEL) is an all-in-one banking and financial services platform for cryptocurrency users.

عملة بيزوج إيرث هي "عملة ميمي" لامركزية تعمل بسببها على تنفيذ وجودها الخاص في الميتافيرس.

Celo is a blockchain ecosystem focused on increasing cryptocurrency adoption among smartphone users.


الغرض من عملة 1/2 هو إطلاق كتاب 1/2 الرياضي الخاص بها والذي سيقبل عملات 1/2 كودائع وسحوبات وعملة الرهان الرئيسية على المنصة.


تستخدم عملة سانشو إينو ميمي ، على غرار العديد من الرموز الأخرى المماثلة ، كلاب شبعا إينو المعروفة كشعارها. ربما تكون العملة الأكثر شبابا منذ ظهورها في 12 مايو 2021.



Akoin is a cryptocurrency powered by a blockchain based eco-system of tools and services designed for entrepreneurs in the rising economies of Africa and beyond


Energi (NRG) is a next-generation Proof of Stake (PoS) cryptocurrency that combines smart contract capabilities, decentralized governance, and a self-funding treasury.

The LKSCOIN project to create the Non-Fungible Token envisages a procedure designed to exploit the Blockchain potential and adapting it to the fight against fake news and encouraging the propagation of only certain information, guaranteed by protected copyright.

Nectar was originally launched in 2017 by the Bitfinex spin-off exchange, Ethfinex — a team based out of London, UK — with the purpose of rewarding market makers for the value they create whilst simultaneously serving as the primary voting mechanism, allowing traders to govern the exchange and decide, among other things, which tokens they wish to see listed next. The project was designed to experiment with and develop novel governance processes with the aim of solving pain points seen with centralized exchanges including opaque and costly token listing procedures.
