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User reviews
Pauline 17 November 2021

My account is verified, which means they have my personal info and my passport info. I want it removed and I hate not being able to remove the information THAT BELONGS TO ME. Awful business practice.

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Grade points: 0.00
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CryptoBridge is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange. It would be more accurate to say that this platform is a gateway to the Bitshares decentralized exchange. It features a wide range of supported altcoins (there are about 80 currencies available for trading). Some of these currencies are well-established and popular while others are quite new and not widely known. The company stresses that one of CryptoBridge's missions is to connect traders with new projects.
Veldt Gold is a pioneering platform for trading precious metal bullions that accepts Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, Monero, and Dash cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. In contrast to cryptocurrencies, credit cards were never available as a payment method on Veldt Gold. The platform provides offerings of gold, silver, platinum, and palladium bullions. Veldt Gold fairly promotes its service as low-cost although it is possible to find cheaper offerings on the market. In the past, the company was known under the name of Agora Commodities.