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Nov 15, 2021
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User reviews
Dani Roach 16 November 2021

I like this site because it is one of the most reliable to buy NFT, but it all consists of the nuances that you have to deal with in order to complete the transaction.

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Tux Exchange is currently not operating. It was closed in 2019 with a prior announcement as of June 15, 2019. July 6, 2019, was the deadline for the withdrawal of funds. Tux Exchange referred to “unfavorable conditions” and “low volume” as key factors stipulating the decision to close down.
Located in Toulouse, France, Digital Service is offering crypto-currency services since 2014.
Quppy is a decentralized lending and payment service and the licensed multicurrency payment system. Quppy was developed in 2017 by recognized experts in banking, financial and information security, who previously worked for leading world companies. Quppy is a payment solution for all types of banking transactions with Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum and fiat currencies in euros.