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GBX Digital Asset Exchange Reviews 2021

Country: Estonia
Launched: 1995
Volume: $ 74,943.0
Pairs: 40
Mobile app: iOS, Android
Grade points: 0.00
Expert Review
May 29, 2020

GBX Digital Asset Exchange is registered in Estonia offering crypto trading and fiat onboarding opportunities. GSX group unites several companies, including the Gibraltar Stock Exchange. 

Apart from exchange services, the group of companies provides financial and technology services. The headquarter is in Gibraltar. 

GATE token is the platform’s utility token, launched in 2018. DAX mobile trading app is designed for both Android and Apple users. Support channel includes email communication and a phone line.

Our Score
Functionality 4 / 5
Reputation 3 / 5
Security 4 / 5
Support 3 / 5
Fees 3 / 5
Our Score
3.4 / 5
Pros and Cons
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User reviews
Feren 27 May 2020

I was impressed by the foundation date, frankly, but despite the age, I found the exchange quite progressive and modern. The charts and rates look good, no problem, so far.

Country: Estonia
Launched: 1995
Volume: $ 74,943.0
Pairs: 40
Mobile app: iOS, Android
Grade points: 0.00
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