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Sep 21, 2021

Buy & sell crypto for cash near you. No bank account needed. Just a phone.

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User reviews
Briony Leach 18 November 2021

A very conveniently implemented tool for selling cryptocurrencies. Grossly underestimated in my opinion

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BitFlyer is a Japanese exchange founded in 2014. The company has official permission in different countries including some states of the USA, Europe, and Japan. Also, bitFlyer offers automatic trades via API.
Bitnomial was founded in 2014 to create a marketplace connecting native digital asset hedgers with institutional traders.
The Bleutrade exchange came to existence in March 2014 with a goal to provide customers with a kind of service that would give them a new understanding of what financial freedom is. Unlike many similar platforms, Bleutrade has a thing for innovative solutions and for the use of nascent technologies. Being passionate about altcoins and the impact they have on the cryptocurrency market, the Bleutrade team is open to listing new coins and tokens that appear quite frequently these days.