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Aariz Humphries 5 November 2021

A good start for crypto trading. Convenient and intuitive interface plus a high level of protection. Not bad for a start.

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Coincheck is a Tokyo-based exchange established in August 2014. Apart from the Japanese version, there are also English, Indonesian and Chinese (simplified) versions of the company’s website, which may illustrate the geographical priorities of the platform quite well. Unlike many exchanges supplying their traders with only web-platform facility, Coincheck offers both iOS and Android mobile apps. Margin trading is available with the platform. On the platform’s website you’ll be able to buy BTC, ETH, LSK, XRP and FCT. The bank deposits in Japanese currency free of charge but deposits made in USD are charged a flat fee of $25 (or ¥2500). You can also deposit, using a bank card. The withdrawal fee makes 0.01 BTC.
SwapSwop is an instant anonymous crypto exchange with a high level of security from SSL certificates on internal services to a multi-stage exchange procedure, which guarantees the safety of your assets and quick exchange for the desired cryptocurrency.
Exx exchange was founded in 2017 and is based in Hong Kong. In 2021 many users reported of disappearance of their funds on the exchange. We strongly recommend to avoid using this exchange.