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Bit2Bit Exchange Review 2023 - Is It Safe?

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Grade points: 0.00
Expert Review
Mar 24, 2022

The Bit2Bit platform will offer a wide variety of trade solutions with the goal to house a wide range community of users and traders from around the globe. These provided options will allow for a wider decentralization and bring new and older practices into one dedicated platform.

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User reviews
Hrvoje Geric 30 May 2022

Vrlo loša ocijena za bit2bit jer banka ne slijedi protokol aktivnosti trgovačkog društva za koje se šalje novac čija je posljedica gubitak novca investitora zatim postoji i sumnja u pranje novca po stranim računima na koje ga bit2bit šalje.
Zbog toga topla preporuka,zaobiđite bit2bit

Solomon Kaufman 28 March 2022

This exchange presents good opportunities for traders of different levels of training. It does its job quite well when it comes to buying and selling cryptocurrencies.

Mobile app: -
Grade points: 0.00
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