Ethereum Classic (ETC) vs NEM (XEM) Comparison

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User rating

4 / 5 1 user review 4.7 / 5 3 user review

Cryptogeek rating

0 / 5 3.6 / 5

Trust Score

How it works
2.65 / 5 3.89 / 5


Ethereum Classic appeared after Ethereum hard fork in 2016. Just like Ethereum, the platform is capable of hosting smart contracts and serves as a virtual computing machine. The native token of Ethereum Classic is ether (ETC).
NEM (New Economy Movement) is a blockchain-based platform for operation of mission-critical transactions for businesses. The platform has its own blockchain and a native token called XEM. NEM appeared on the market in 2015. Currently, it is one of the most successful blockchain projects hailing from Japan.


coin coin

Founding Date

2016 2015


International Japan


No data No data


Public Not Public


No data Public blockchain

Current price (USD)

34.7766 0.0320

All-time high (USD)

47.7700 2.0900

Price change (24h)

7.15 3.86

Volume (24h)

9017115.60555 278871.62136


8770 No data

Max Supply

210700000.00000 8999999999.00000

Total supply

No data No data

Circulating Supply

149960863.35493 8999999999.00000

Transaction speed / Block time

14 4000

Transaction fee

No data No data

Mining profitability

No data No data


Ethash No data

Proof type

PoW No data

Fully premined

No data No data

Smart contract address

No data No data

Total coins mined

119682660.98494 No data

Is trading

yes No data

Block reward

3.200000000000 No data

Block time

18 No data
User rating User rating 4 / 5 1 user review User rating 4.7 / 5 3 user review
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 0 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 3.6 / 5
Trust Score How it works Trust Score 2.65 / 5 Trust Score 3.89 / 5
Ethereum Classic appeared after Ethereum hard fork in 2016. Just like Ethereum, the platform is capable of hosting smart contracts and serves as a virtual computing machine. The native token of Ethereum Classic is ether (ETC).
NEM (New Economy Movement) is a blockchain-based platform for operation of mission-critical transactions for businesses. The platform has its own blockchain and a native token called XEM. NEM appeared on the market in 2015. Currently, it is one of the most successful blockchain projects hailing from Japan.
Type Type coin Type coin
Founding Date Founding Date 2016 Founding Date 2015
Country Country International Country Japan
Languages Languages No data Languages No data
Team Team Public Team Not Public
Protocol Protocol No data Protocol Public blockchain
Current price (USD) Current price (USD) 34.7766 Current price (USD) 0.0320
All-time high (USD) All-time high (USD) 47.7700 All-time high (USD) 2.0900
Price change (24h) Price change (24h) 7.15 Price change (24h) 3.86
Volume (24h) Volume (24h) 9017115.60555 Volume (24h) 278871.62136
Hashrate Hashrate 8770 Hashrate No data
Max Supply Max Supply 210700000.00000 Max Supply 8999999999.00000
Total supply Total supply No data Total supply No data
Circulating Supply Circulating Supply 149960863.35493 Circulating Supply 8999999999.00000
Transaction speed / Block time Transaction speed / Block time 14 Transaction speed / Block time 4000
Transaction fee Transaction fee No data Transaction fee No data
Mining profitability Mining profitability high Mining profitability medium
Algorithm Algorithm Ethash Algorithm No data
Proof type Proof type PoW Proof type No data
Fully premined Fully premined No data Fully premined No data
Smart contract address Smart contract address No data Smart contract address No data
Total coins mined Total coins mined 119682660.98494 Total coins mined No data
Is trading Is trading yes Is trading No data
Block reward Block reward 3.200000000000 Block reward No data
Block time Block time 18 Block time No data




@eth_classic @nemofficial
Website Website Website
Twitter Twitter @eth_classic Twitter @nemofficial


- Smart contracts Fast Lots of features


- Confusing Not physically or digitally backed No active development since 2016 Small dApp ecosystem


User rating User rating 4 / 5 1 user review User rating 4.7 / 5 3 user review
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 0 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 3.6 / 5
Advantages Advantages - Advantages Smart contracts Fast Lots of features
Disadvantages Disadvantages - Disadvantages Confusing Not physically or digitally backed No active development since 2016 Small dApp ecosystem

Ethereum Classic (ETC) user rating is 4, based on 1 user reviews. NEM (XEM) user rating is 4.7, based on 3 user reviews.

We also calculate the special Cryptogeek TrustScore based on the characteristics of each coin.

We choose the winner based on our TrustScore Rating. Please remember, it’s still up to you which company to choose! How do we calculate Trust Score?
Trust Score: 3.89 / 5 Write review
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