WaykiChain Governance Coin (WGRT) logo
WaykiChain Governance Coin (WGRT) logo

WaykiChain Governance Coin (WGRT) Review

Expert Review
Oct 28, 2020

WGRT, the governance coin supported by WaykiChain's decentralized lending platform. The platform provides decentralized collateral lending services for users worldwide. The stable fee and penalty fee received by the system will be used to recycle WGRT on the market and destroy. WGRT holders will enjoy the benefit of the eco-system and at the same time, be responsible for governing the system through adjusting parameters like interest and penalty rate.

WUSD, a stablecoin whose value is pegged to USD, is developed based on the core layer of the WaykiChain public chain. WUSD can be generated thru a collateralization of WICC,BTC or ETH on WaykiChain's decentrazlied lending system.

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User reviews
Hamish Campos 9 December 2021

Wayki's algorithms are safe and stable, and they also generate rewards. Good self-networking tool for individuals

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