Factom (FCT) logo
Factom (FCT) logo

Factom (FCT) Price and Reviews

Market cap: $ 345,712.5439
Supply: 9,150,712.1795
Symbol: FCT
Price (USD): $ 0.378
Volume 24h: $ 555,005.79609
Change 24h: 5.5%
Total coins mined: 9,247,679.64147
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
Expert Review
May 23, 2020

Factom is currently based on cryptocurrency DPoS protocol. You can check Factom's market cap and volume on widget of our partner. Also you can see the latest FCT price on Cryptogeek.info. You can leave your feedback and reviews about Factom cryptocurrency here.

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User reviews
Arsalan Lester 25 November 2021

The FTC has a good market price, which is good for investment. We need to introduce this coin more widely

Market cap: $ 345,712.5439
Supply: 9,150,712.1795
Symbol: FCT
Price (USD): $ 0.378
Volume 24h: $ 555,005.79609
Change 24h: 5.5%
Total coins mined: 9,247,679.64147
Is trading: yes
Block reward: 0.0
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