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2GIVE (2GIVE) Review

Site: 2give.info
Expert Review
Jan 27, 2022

2GIVE is the next generation stakeholder based cryptocurrency designed to support socially responsible stewardship and is supported by the Strength in Numbers Foundation, a non-profit digital trust. 2GIVE makes it easy to support your favorite non-profit or pro-social cause and can be used for "repaying it forward" through social tipping! The network is secured through a shared reward system that allows stakeholders the ability to generate 5% inflation adjusted return (POS) on their holdings per annum and a 1% transmission fee (TXFEE) that can be earned by the mining process (POW)

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User reviews
Zack 21 June 2022

The coin hasn't been traded for 3 years, remove it from your site.

Site: 2give.info
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