The Most Unusual NFTs
2022 is by right the year of NFTs, making this acronym a household name. As a financial term, NFT means a non-fungible token brought into life by blockchain technology. It is stored in a public ledger as a piece of data and cannot be interchanged. An NFT symbolizes a piece of digital art that has a market value, sometimes reaching 6 - 8 figures. Think of NFT as virtual collectibles certified by blockchain technologies.
Thanks to NFTs, we saw that blockchain technologies are not always dev and geek oriented but can also enrich our everyday life with tangible perks. They provide unbelievable opportunities for creative self-expression and engage laypeople into the flamboyant mosaic of the modern digital economy.
Major crypto exchanges are trying to outperform each other in their desire to come up with the best possible solution for NFTs. Gaming platforms, marketplaces, art galleries, and museums are willing to become a part of a new vibrant, and promising world. Who is on the producing end?
The answer “everyone” would not be an exaggeration. NFTs are prolific and created by all kinds of agents. While a number of popular and sound NFTs can come to the mind of crypto lovers, there are many unusual projects you’d never think of (have you ever heard of Pixel Invaderz?). We’ve decided to look at them and tell our readers about the ideas inspiring those projects.
So, let’s meet the most unbelievable NFTs!
1. The origins of the internet in the form of NFT
The original source code of the world wide web was auctioned by the legendary Sir Tim Berners-Lee, known as the inventor of the world wide web. When he came up with his innovative idea, the Internet already existed but lacked a crucial feature and a way to share information — websites. The NFT represents the archive of files, containing source code and HTML documents with the instructions to the earliest web users. The source code was auctioned at Sotheby's.
Link to the lot
Was sold for: $5,434,500
2. Cyber Eau de Parfum — a digital scent NFT
How does “digital reflection of fragrance” resonate with you? That’s how the physical scent was recorded in the form of spectrum data and translated into an NFT. Cyber Eau de Parfum is the first digital fragrance and was created by Look Lab studio. This is a unisex perfume with woody and fresh spicy accords. To extract the wavelength, the studio used special spectroscopy, measuring vibrations of objects on a molecular level. NFT owners receive a physical for free.
Link to the lot
Suggested price: 10 ETH or feel free to place your own bid
3. Part of the body as an NFT
Buy ads at Oleksandra Oliynykova’s skin
“Your ad could go here” describes this NFT best. A 20-year-old tennis Player Oleksandra Oliynykova auctioned the space on her right arm for a lifetime tattoo and submitted this proposal in the form of a digital contract. There are limitations to what can be put on there. Oleksandra believes that an NFT is a bridge for sports professionals making them free from interactions and contracts with sports clubs.
Link to the OpenSea
Feel free to make your price offer on the platform! At the time of placement, the winning bid was 3 ETH
4. Shaman_NFT collectibles
Shaman became known to a wide public after the march to the Capitol in January 2021. Currently serving his term behind the bars, Jacob Anthony Chansley did not fall into melancholy and found a new passion — crypto and Defi. On the OpenSea profile, he introduces himself as a “former Q Shaman, currently America’s Shaman”. Jacob came up with the NFT collection, featuring his striking and recognizable image in many kinds.
Link to the “Life of Shamans” collection
Price: 0.01 - 0.05 ETH (Ether)
5. Burning Banksy NFT
In 2006 Banksy made headlines when the self-destructing painting “Girl with a Balloon” was presented. Now the idea to destruct his painting inspired a blockchain company, Injective Protocol, to create an NFT, turning the burnt of his artwork into a special show. That’s how “Burning Banksy” NFT was created. Banksy’s painting was bought for $95,000 with the burning process being live-streamed on Twitter. The event took place somewhere in Brooklyn, New York. The destructed picture is a critique of the art market called “Morons” (“White”).
The digital “burning” token was sold for $382.336 - four times a price of an original work by Banksy.
Link to the OpenSea
You can make your custom bid
6. “Two degrees” — an eco NFT, provoking thoughts about climate change
The NFT’s code is tracking the global temperature data via an Ethereum oracle. If the annual global temperature rendered by Nasa hits two or more degrees Celsius, the NFT will be self-destroyed. This contract premiered at Sotheby’s Natively Digital NFT auction and is minted as an ERC721 token. It was created by Terra0, the company designing technologically-augmented ecosystem frameworks. In the project description, Terra0 compares the possible disappearance of the NFT with the desolation of forests and woods brought by rising temperatures across the globe.
When Ethereum gas fees surged, the NFT’s authors paused it and then switched to a carbon-negative model.
Link to the lot at Sotheby’s
Last sold at $37.800
7. Secret Artwork (Content)
The uniqueness of this work is that no one will be able to see it in its cryptographic form. It only exists as a visualization of the crypto hash which was not saved and stored. Its name refers to the Secret Painting presented by the Art & Language group in 1967. Sotheby's auction sold this NFT at $63.000. Its author, Rhea Myers, is a crypto artist and software developer, created this work to convey elusiveness and the possibility of infinite interpretations.
Link to the auction’s lot
Last sold at $63.000

8. NFTree
As the title suggests, this contract is backed by real trees. This is the first NFT representing real plants. When you purchase a contract, the real tree will be planted for you. You will be able to see the tree’s traits, including the level of CO2 absorption. The project has been developed by Treedefi. The collection has 420 trees and the price of each starts with 20 ETH (Ethers, the native currency of Ethereum). Each plant can be put in the game world and taken care of. Its fruits can be sold to other players.