Cryptocurrency Affiliate Marketing Guide | by Cryptogeek

We observe the second huge wave of public interest towards cryptocurrencies, however, this interest still has room to grow. What does it mean for those who don't mind earning via cryptocurrencies? It means that there are a lot of people who are yet to dip their toes into the crypto ocean. We know they surely will and it’s you who can invite them in. You can earn through spreading referral links. There is no doubt that the number of people involved in cryptocurrencies will only go bigger, while those who participate in affiliate programs will get richer. In this article, we will help you to learn what cryptocurrency affiliate marketing is and how to choose affiliate programs.

  1. What Are Affiliate Programs?
  2. Earning via Affiliate Programs
  3. Using Affiliate Networks

What Are Affiliate Programs? 

Affiliate programs are the popular way of advertising cryptocurrency-related platforms. These programs allow companies to grow their user base through the activity of already registered users. For instance, on cryptocurrency exchanges it usually works the following way: you register on the exchange and claim your unique affiliate link. Then you share this link on your social media or hand it over among your friends. Of course, it is supposed that you should stimulate people to proceed to the companies website via this link to create an account. If the link leads to some online goods you are paid a commission once someone uses your link to purchase something.

Affiliate marketing is somehow different from traditional marketing services, which are done either by the company itself or provided by crypto marketing agencies such as Icoda.

Let's assume, your friend followed your advice and began trading on the platform you have invited him to via the link. Each time he makes a transaction, you receive a specified portion of the fees collected from your friend by the exchange. The more people you get to the platform, the more money you make. There are different approaches to the way companies arrange policies of the affiliate programs therefore there are many factors to consider and there is no single right formula. The main principle of affiliate programs is incentivizing people with money to attract new users to the platforms.

Earning via Affiliate Programs

Some people make decent earnings passively thanks to wisely chosen affiliate programs. If you grasp the main principles of making money through participation in affiliate programs you will be able to benefit from referral links, too.

Most of the companies dealing with cryptocurrency offer some affiliate programs to increase the user base. The platforms associated with cryptocurrencies include cryptocurrency exchanges, mining platforms, cryptocurrency wallets, cryptocurrency brokerage platforms, online retailers, cryptocurrency casinos and betting platforms, adult content platforms, dating websites. All these companies can bring you some money via affiliate programs. Some referral links can easily be found on the platform's website after registration, while others are presented by the platform reps after the request if they find you capable of holding an ad campaign. 

Lately, no assets were growing as fast as some of the cryptocurrencies. Not all crypto coins grow evenly and not all affiliate programs are that profitable so you should do thorough research before you opt to try one. 

If you aim at earning some significant amounts, you will have to attract more people than just your friends. Sharing links via posts on social media is the way but you should think of the target audience of the posts you make. It is estimated that the target audience of posts about cryptocurrency-related platforms is men dreaming of becoming rich and curious about investing. The age is 25+.

Before starting promoting your texts containing referral links it is important to make sure that in your country and countries of your target audience crypto ads are not restricted. In some countries, it is legal to advertise cryptocurrencies but you must attach a legal disclosure to your ads. On top of that, not all platforms allow cryptocurrency ads. If you are going to use Google Ads, you will face limitations in promoting your referral link. On Facebook you won't be able to advertise cryptocurrency-related platforms at all — such ads are forbidden on this platform. So learn the rules relevant for the country of your campaign and the platforms you use for promotion and then act appropriately if you don't want troubles. If you neglect it, you might end up wasting much energy, time, and money without getting any profits. Additionally, you may arrange campaigns targeted at tablets, desktops, and smartphones differently. The content excellently fitting in the device increases the chances of conversion.

Of course, the success of your affiliate campaign depends on the quality of the platform you promote. Make sure that the people you call to join the platform will be satisfied with the service and won't have a terrible experience. If the company turns out not as good as you promise or if it scams customers, you may face a backlash for promoting it. On busy platforms like Reddit, you can be confronted for shilling the platforms that have a bad reputation. The former customers of such companies will probably come to the comment section to share how they have lost their money on the platform. This won't make you look good and you will barely earn much money promoting companies that fall short of decent service.

More than that, it's important to choose companies with clear and intuitive functionality. It's important that people seeing your ads would have easily understood how exactly they can benefit from signing up and what are the advantages of the platform. The way you describe and promote the service is also important. Advertising a platform aggressively and promising unrealistic benefits can turn people away. So choose the projects you are going to advertise wisely. Try them, check if they are not buggy and the customer service is responsive. Read the user reports making sure the company isn't scamming people out of their money and then promote the best platforms. It's always easier to advertise something you really like.

Using Affiliate Networks

Affiliate networks are the platforms that gather info about numerous affiliate programs. They select legit companies with nice conditions of affiliate programs so using such networks can ease your job of finding the best companies to promote. Platforms provide automatic connections to the companies that do the offers. Your potential income can be estimated right on the affiliate network platform before you choose one of the options. Platforms consider your data to provide you with precise individual forecasts. Some networks go further and provide such a feature as consultations from their experts.

Using affiliate networks is not free as these platforms collect some pay in exchange for their services. Nevertheless, if you are going to make big profits you will have to hold numerous promotion campaigns and air ads to huge amounts of people. Getting into details of the affiliate program of each platform and signing up to get a referral link can be a pain in the neck. Affiliate networks are here to do these things for you. You can quickly get acquainted with dozens of offers and choose what you like without the need to visit every website. The team of the affiliate network will be your guide and assistant in your journey. If you are thinking of turning participation in affiliate programs into a regular solid income, you should consider using these networks.