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ECOS Cloud Mining Review 2021 - Is It Safe?

Country: Armenia
Launched: 2017
Expert Review
Aug 07, 2020

Bitcoin continues to grow, but it is much harder to mine than it was five years ago. Self-mining has long become unprofitable for the average investor. Cloud mining has become an alternative: the lease of capacities for the production of cryptocurrencies from the provider to the client.

The provider assumes responsibility for the purchase, placement, maintenance of equipment, its timely renewal and uninterrupted electricity supply. The mining result is the mined bitcoins, which the provider transfers to the client's crypto wallet.

One of the best cloud mining providers is ECOS. It is the first legal cloud mining provider based in the Free Economic Zone of Armenia. The company was founded in 2017 with the Armenian government's support and has an active agreement with the Hrazdan TPP (Hrazdan, Armenia) to supply up to 200 MW of electricity to the ECOS data center for cryptocurrency mining.


  • Legality. ECOS was founded with the support of the Republic of Armenia, so you avoid any scam risks.
  • Tax incentives. The mining center is located in the Free Economic Zone of Armenia, where residency exempts ECOS from paying taxes, making cloud mining even more profitable.
  • Affordable electricity. ECOS has an active agreement with the Hrazdan TPP to supply up to 200 MW of electricity at a reduced price. Moreover, the Hrazdan TPP is a co-founder of the company, eliminating any problems with electricity.
  • The best equipment. ECOS is purchasing miners directly from the largest ASIC manufacturer in the world Bitmain. Now the company uses Antminer S19 Pro with a hash rate of 110 Th/s, which mine your bitcoins as efficiently as possible.
  • Wide range of contracts. You can choose a suitable contract by the expiration date, investment size, risk profile, and even the expected bitcoin price on the site.
  • Quick support. The company quickly answers users' questions both on the website and on social networks. And the ECOS community on Telegram has almost 15,000 members.


The contract value ranges from $149 to $2000, so both industry beginners and experienced investors can mine cryptocurrency. Also ECOS has special welcome contracts from $49, and auction ones start from $10!

A unique calculator available on the company's website will directly calculate the expected mining profitability and compare it with buying cryptocurrency. For example, you are a cautious investor with no experience with cryptocurrencies.

Such an investor's risk profile will most likely be conservative, and the contract period is about twelve months. The amount of investment is small, for example, $500. The expected value of bitcoin is only ten thousand more expensive than today (based on the recent rally). In total, having invested $500, a cautious investor will earn about $282 above his investment.

How to use the platform?

1. First, you need to register and verify your email and phone number.

2. Next, you need to choose a contract that suits you in terms of duration, risk profile, expected bitcoin price and required power. It is pretty simple to do this since the platform has a convenient calculator that shows the expected return on your investment.

3. You can pay for the contract in five ways: by bank card, BTC, ETH, LTС and XRP.

4. The contract's work can be monitored in a dashboard that displays your current balance, the number of bitcoins mined today on your equipment and profit statistics for the last two weeks. You can also see which contract brought you the most bitcoins here.

5. To withdraw funds, you need to go to the "Settings" section, then "Wallets and withdrawal of funds". Enter your bitcoin wallet and select the amount to withdraw. Next, you need to choose the transaction speed (depending on it, the bitcoin network charges its commission).

Is ECOS safe?

  • The company was established in the Free Economic Zone with the support of the Armenian government, which guarantees the legal security of your investments.
  • You can always read reviews on TrustPilot, FoxyRating and Cryptocompare. Most users rate the service as excellent.

  • The best independent publications often put ECOS at the top of their ratings. Most recently, this was done by the leading US publication TechRadar.


ECOS cloud mining is a legal and reliable way to make money on cryptocurrency, avoid all kinds of risks, and get maximum benefits without a lot of industry experience. ECOS provides new clients with a free contract in order they can test the platform. Register on the platform right now and get a 0.5 TH/s mining contract for a month.

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User reviews
Vierule 29 June 2022

I started investing in crypto just for fun, but it turned out to be very profitable. At the beginning of the year, I invested a couple of hundred in several portfolios from ecos, as a result, I almost doubled my capital, very cool, thx!

Fax&Sober& 30 May 2022

Good exchange service. Ecos managed to create and combine in one application, a whole cryptocurrency platform with an exchange service, mining and investments. I use only exchange services, there are quite a lot of coins and new and popular ones are constantly added, exchange without hidden fees.

Filip Pentegra 29 May 2022

I recently received my first payout with ecos, the money was credited very quickly. The application works great, even on my old iPhone, nothing is buggy, good optimization and technical support.

franck3456 27 May 2022

Attention au calcul de rentabilité.
Pour un calcul exacte, il ne faut pas chercher à convertir en Dollar ou en Euro, il faut rester en BTC.
Si on investi 500 Dollars par exemple, au moment de l'achat du contrat on a deux choix,
1- on achete pas le contrat, on achete diretement du BTC au cours du jour
2- on achete le contrat
on va pouvoir comparé les deux choix.
Si le contrat est de 12 mois par exemple,
avec le choix 1, au bout de 12 mois on a toujours le meme nombre de BTC
avec le choix 2, au bout de 12 mois on a le nombre de BTC correpondant à ce que le contrat estime qu'on recevra par jours, moins les frais, mutiplier par le nombre de jour du contrat.
a partir de là, on peut comparer le gain en BTC que donne le contrat par rapport à un achat BTC direct.
J'ai fait le calcul pour le contrat de base et je trouve: -60% a peut-etre, en gros on récupere moins de la moitier de ce que la quantité de BTC qu'on aurait pu acheter directement
C'est vrai aujourd'hui avec un prix de BTC qui tourne à 28000-29000 dollars.
Pas terrible.
Fait attention donc et bien calculé.
Pour ma part, j'ai achété un contrat à petit prix pour voir et la rentabilité réelle constaté en BTC pour l'instant est inferieur -60% en projection à la fin du contrat en BTC.
Ce qui veut dire que le contrat pourra eventuellement etre rentble si le BTC augmente, mais il le sera toujours moins que si j'avais juste acheté du BTC directement

Freebear 2 May 2022

Ecos mining is by far the best cloud mining company I have tried. I bought a few contracts that turned out to be quite profitable. The application is simple and convenient, you can find what you need in just a couple of clicks, the navigation is well developed.

Country: Armenia
Launched: 2017

List of coins

# Currency
  1. Bitcoin (BTC)
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