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Bitcratic Exchange Review 2023 - Is It Safe?

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Trader 19 April 2022

bitcratic a bit slow but good service overall..

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Grade points: 0.00
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Turkish Lira based Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple exchange platform. It offers the following trading pairs: BTC/TRY, ETH/TRY, and XRP/TRY. It also provides users with an easy to use mobile app available for iOS and Android. is one of the pioneering payments and cryptocurrency platforms with the mission to accelerate the world’s transition to cryptocurrency. With its well-developed ecosystem, there are now 3 million users using this platform worldwide. is constantly adding new features and offers to its products, including the Exchange, App, Wallet and MCO Visa Cards.
The cryptocurrency industry is going through its super creative period. Numerous companies come up with fresh ideas and offer new ways to earn money via blockchain or use decentralization to find solutions for old problems. One of the platforms offering a new approach to money-making is VDollar. In this review we will find out what are the main features of this project, is it safe to use it, and if VDollar is a scam?