ile LOBSTR karşılaştır Wallet
Company |
User rating |
User rating
2.4 / 5
25 user review
User rating
2.8 / 5
29 user review
Cryptogeek rating |
Cryptogeek rating
4.6 / 5
Cryptogeek rating
4.6 / 5
Trust Score
How it works
Trust Score
4.2 / 5
Trust Score
3.68 / 5
Blockchain wallet is an electronic wallet for the online storage of digital currencies. Initially, only Bitcoin was supported, but the platform was developing, and now, in addition to Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Stellar (XML), Paxos Standard stablecoin (PAX) are available. The platform supports more than 20 language versions. Blockchain wallet can be obtained using a mobile application that is easy to download on Android or iPhone.
LOBSTR is one of the first XLM wallets on the cryptocurrency market that was founded in 2014 and officially registered in Belarus. LOBSTR wallet is provided by Ultra Stellar, LLC, an independent commercial entity unaffiliated with the Stellar Development Foundation. LOBSTR can be called almost the most convenient wallet for mobile gadgets since it is an easy-to-use mobile wallet with an attractive interface. Through the LOBSTR wallet, you can easily send and receive Stellar. A comfortable and simple user interface is perfect for beginners, as you can quickly navigate it.
Founding Date
English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Russian, Turkish
English, Spanish, Korean, Russian, Chinese, Thai
Wallet type
Storage type
Private keys
Available coins
- Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Stellar (XLM), Tether (USDT), Polkadot (DOT), Algorand (ALGO), Paxos Standard (PAX)
- Bitcoin (BTC), Basic Attention Token (BAT), Dogecoin (DOGE), USD Coin (USDC), Ripple (XRP), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Stellar (XLM)
Ease of use
Has attached card
Has trading facilities
Has vouchers and offers
About |
Blockchain wallet is an electronic wallet for the online storage of digital currencies. Initially, only Bitcoin was supported, but the platform was developing, and now, in addition to Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Stellar (XML), Paxos Standard stablecoin (PAX) are available. The platform supports more than 20 language versions. Blockchain wallet can be obtained using a mobile application that is easy to download on Android or iPhone.
LOBSTR is one of the first XLM wallets on the cryptocurrency market that was founded in 2014 and officially registered in Belarus. LOBSTR wallet is provided by Ultra Stellar, LLC, an independent commercial entity unaffiliated with the Stellar Development Foundation. LOBSTR can be called almost the most convenient wallet for mobile gadgets since it is an easy-to-use mobile wallet with an attractive interface. Through the LOBSTR wallet, you can easily send and receive Stellar. A comfortable and simple user interface is perfect for beginners, as you can quickly navigate it.
Founding Date |
Founding Date
Founding Date
Country |
Languages |
English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Russian, Turkish
English, Spanish, Korean, Russian, Chinese, Thai
Wallet type |
Wallet type
Software wallet
Wallet type
No data
Storage type |
Storage type
Cold wallet
Storage type
Hot wallet
Private keys |
Private keys
Private keys
Not available
Available coins |
Available coins
- Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), Stellar (XLM), Tether (USDT), Polkadot (DOT), Algorand (ALGO), Paxos Standard (PAX)
Available coins
- Bitcoin (BTC), Basic Attention Token (BAT), Dogecoin (DOGE), USD Coin (USDC), Ripple (XRP), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Stellar (XLM)
Security |
No data
No data
Anonymity |
No data
No data
Ease of use |
Ease of use
No data
Ease of use
No data
Has attached card |
Has attached card
No data
Has attached card
No data
Has trading facilities |
Has trading facilities
No data
Has trading facilities
No data
Has vouchers and offers |
Has vouchers and offers
No data
Has vouchers and offers
No data
Features |
No data
No data
- Intuitive design;
- 3-level security system;
- Ability to display account balance in different currencies;
- Built-in tools for the purchase and exchange of cryptocurrencies;
- Binding a mobile gadget with the installed Blockchain application to the web version of the wallet via a QR code;
- Interaction with hardware devices;
- Internal Swap exchange and charts to track the current cryptocurrency rate;
- Low service fees;
- Fast support service;
- Mobile application for Android and iPhone.
- Integrated exchange
- Fiat option
- Two-factor authentication (2FA)
- Open-source
- Merge tool
- Touch ID support
- Real-time cryptocurrency price updates
- Mobile app
- Help desk
- A small number of supported cryptocurrencies;
- Not all countries have the function of buying/selling bitcoin for fiat.
- Lack of Hierarchical Deterministic Generator
- The low range of currencies (since it is Stellar wallet)
User rating |
User rating
2.4 / 5
25 user review
User rating
2.8 / 5
29 user review
Cryptogeek rating |
Cryptogeek rating
4.6 / 5
Cryptogeek rating
4.6 / 5
Advantages |
- Intuitive design;
- 3-level security system;
- Ability to display account balance in different currencies;
- Built-in tools for the purchase and exchange of cryptocurrencies;
- Binding a mobile gadget with the installed Blockchain application to the web version of the wallet via a QR code;
- Interaction with hardware devices;
- Internal Swap exchange and charts to track the current cryptocurrency rate;
- Low service fees;
- Fast support service;
- Mobile application for Android and iPhone.
- Integrated exchange
- Fiat option
- Two-factor authentication (2FA)
- Open-source
- Merge tool
- Touch ID support
- Real-time cryptocurrency price updates
- Mobile app
- Help desk
Disadvantages |
- A small number of supported cryptocurrencies;
- Not all countries have the function of buying/selling bitcoin for fiat.
- Lack of Hierarchical Deterministic Generator
- The low range of currencies (since it is Stellar wallet)
| user rating is 2.4, based on 25 user reviews. LOBSTR user rating is 2.8, based on 29 user reviews.
We also calculate the special Cryptogeek TrustScore based on the characteristics of each wallet.
Choose other companies vs LOBSTR - Which Wallet Is Better in 2025?
This vs LOBSTR comparison is based on the most recent data on both companies. We do our best to provide you with unbiased information about cryptocurrency companies.
Based on user reviews only, is rated 2.4 with 25 user reviews, while LOBSTR is rated 2.8 with 29 user reviews.
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