Beldex (BDX) vs Stratis (STRAT) Comparison

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User rating

3 / 5 1 user review 3 / 5 1 user review

Cryptogeek rating

0 / 5 0 / 5

Trust Score

How it works
1.2 / 5 1.5 / 5


Beldex is a leading privacy-based ecosystem consisting of privacy-first decentralized applications that include BChat, BelNet, Beldex browser, the Beldex privacy protocol, and the Beldex bridge. The Beldex project is committed to enhancing your privacy online BDX is a privacy coin and a utility on the privacy-preserving DApps. For privacy lovers, Beldex is the one-stop destination for everything from private messaging to private transactions.
Stratis is currently based on cryptocurrency X13 protocol. You can check Stratis's market cap and volume on widget of our partner. Also you can see the latest STRAT price on You can leave your feedback and reviews about Stratis cryptocurrency here.


No data coin

Founding Date

No data No data


No data No data


No data No data


No data Public


No data No data

Current price (USD)

No data 0.6411

All-time high (USD)

No data 22.6600

Price change (24h)

No data 0.36

Volume (24h)

No data 0.00000


No data No data

Max Supply

No data No data

Total supply

No data No data

Circulating Supply

No data 0.00000

Transaction speed / Block time

No data 20000

Transaction fee

No data No data

Mining profitability

No data No data


No data X13

Proof type

No data PoW/PoS

Fully premined

No data No data

Smart contract address

No data No data

Total coins mined

No data 99877191.17005

Is trading

No data yes

Block reward

No data 0.999999998758

Block time

No data 60
User rating User rating 3 / 5 1 user review User rating 3 / 5 1 user review
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 0 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 0 / 5
Trust Score How it works Trust Score 1.2 / 5 Trust Score 1.5 / 5
Beldex is a leading privacy-based ecosystem consisting of privacy-first decentralized applications that include BChat, BelNet, Beldex browser, the Beldex privacy protocol, and the Beldex bridge. The Beldex project is committed to enhancing your privacy online BDX is a privacy coin and a utility on the privacy-preserving DApps. For privacy lovers, Beldex is the one-stop destination for everything from private messaging to private transactions.
Stratis is currently based on cryptocurrency X13 protocol. You can check Stratis's market cap and volume on widget of our partner. Also you can see the latest STRAT price on You can leave your feedback and reviews about Stratis cryptocurrency here.
Type Type No data Type coin
Founding Date Founding Date No data Founding Date No data
Country Country No data Country No data
Languages Languages No data Languages No data
Team Team No data Team Public
Protocol Protocol No data Protocol No data
Current price (USD) Current price (USD) No data Current price (USD) 0.6411
All-time high (USD) All-time high (USD) No data All-time high (USD) 22.6600
Price change (24h) Price change (24h) No data Price change (24h) 0.36
Volume (24h) Volume (24h) No data Volume (24h) 0.00000
Hashrate Hashrate No data Hashrate No data
Max Supply Max Supply No data Max Supply No data
Total supply Total supply No data Total supply No data
Circulating Supply Circulating Supply No data Circulating Supply 0.00000
Transaction speed / Block time Transaction speed / Block time No data Transaction speed / Block time 20000
Transaction fee Transaction fee No data Transaction fee No data
Mining profitability Mining profitability No data Mining profitability No data
Algorithm Algorithm No data Algorithm X13
Proof type Proof type No data Proof type PoW/PoS
Fully premined Fully premined No data Fully premined No data
Smart contract address Smart contract address No data Smart contract address No data
Total coins mined Total coins mined No data Total coins mined 99877191.17005
Is trading Is trading No data Is trading yes
Block reward Block reward No data Block reward 0.999999998758
Block time Block time No data Block time 60




No data @stratisplatform
Website Website Website
Twitter Twitter No data Twitter @stratisplatform


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User rating User rating 3 / 5 1 user review User rating 3 / 5 1 user review
Cryptogeek rating Cryptogeek rating 0 / 5 Cryptogeek rating 0 / 5
Advantages Advantages - Advantages -
Disadvantages Disadvantages - Disadvantages -

Beldex (BDX) user rating is 3, based on 1 user reviews. Stratis (STRAT) user rating is 3, based on 1 user reviews.

We also calculate the special Cryptogeek TrustScore based on the characteristics of each coin.

We choose the winner based on our TrustScore Rating. Please remember, it’s still up to you which company to choose! How do we calculate Trust Score?
Trust Score: 1.2 / 5 Write review
Trust Score: 1.5 / 5 Write review
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