Coinlim предоставляет доступ к рынкам BTC, ETH, USDT для торговли. Компания была зарегистрирована HONG KONG RISE SUCCESS INVESTMENT LTD с упором на китайский рынок.
Биржевая платформа Coinlim поддерживается на клиентах iOS и Android. Сервисные токены платформы были запущены как токены Coinlim (CLT).
Время от времени Coinlim проводит торговые соревнования.
Токен-проект может подать заявку на листинг, заполнив специальную форму на сайте. Информация о новых списках регулярно публикуется на медиа-каналах компании.
In my opinion, there aren't any big advantages, perhaps, except the mobile app. The verification is long and pissing me off. Also, the traiding process isn't so convenient, I don't prefer to make more then 10-15 clicks just before to complete one transaction. Maybe, I'm a little bit bored, but I'd like to see more suitable platform for me.
Nowadays it works as good as usually. I like dashboard of the desktop and mobile version. In addition the ticket service provide full and usefull help in any questions. I appreciate to trade with Coinlim.
Despite the correct verification, I am being asked to confirm all my transactions with some I'd documents. It doesn't seem a convenient way of trading. I contacted the support, but I didn't get the proper answer.
I've completed the verification within the two days, and I'm not front Singapore. The support was very useful and I did quite fast, I suppose. I don't know what's the problem for other guys, but I haven't faced that issues with the verification.
My traiding tools don't work. I've changed the browser, cleaned it up and tried to use the Incognito mode, but it didn't help when I click on the traiding button, actually any button, nothing happens. I don't know what it is an error. But, surprisingly, the support has no idea either.