Coinlim donne accès aux marchés BTC, ETH, USDT pour le trading. La société a été constituée par HONG KONG RISE SUCCESS INVESTMENT LTD en se concentrant sur le marché chinois.
La plate-forme d'échange Coinlim est prise en charge sur les clients iOS et Android. Les jetons utilitaires de la plateforme ont été lancés en tant que jetons Coinlim (CLT).
De temps en temps, Coinlim organise des compétitions de trading.
Un projet symbolique peut demander l'inscription en remplissant un formulaire spécial sur le site Web. Les informations sur les nouvelles inscriptions sont régulièrement publiées sur les canaux médiatiques de la société.
In my opinion, there aren't any big advantages, perhaps, except the mobile app. The verification is long and pissing me off. Also, the traiding process isn't so convenient, I don't prefer to make more then 10-15 clicks just before to complete one transaction. Maybe, I'm a little bit bored, but I'd like to see more suitable platform for me.
Nowadays it works as good as usually. I like dashboard of the desktop and mobile version. In addition the ticket service provide full and usefull help in any questions. I appreciate to trade with Coinlim.
Despite the correct verification, I am being asked to confirm all my transactions with some I'd documents. It doesn't seem a convenient way of trading. I contacted the support, but I didn't get the proper answer.
I've completed the verification within the two days, and I'm not front Singapore. The support was very useful and I did quite fast, I suppose. I don't know what's the problem for other guys, but I haven't faced that issues with the verification.
My traiding tools don't work. I've changed the browser, cleaned it up and tried to use the Incognito mode, but it didn't help when I click on the traiding button, actually any button, nothing happens. I don't know what it is an error. But, surprisingly, the support has no idea either.