Where To Exchange Ethereum Classic (ETC) - Best Platforms With Reviews

Where can you exchange Ethereum Classic (ETC) in 2024?

Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a popular cryptocurrency with a rich history and strong community support. If you're looking to trade or invest in Ethereum Classic, it's essential to know where to exchange it securely and efficiently. This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the necessary information about the best platforms to exchange Ethereum Classic, as well as an overview of its history, technology, and significance in the cryptocurrency world.


Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a widely recognized cryptocurrency that continues to attract interest from investors and traders alike. Knowing where to exchange Ethereum Classic is crucial for those looking to buy, sell, or trade this digital asset. This article will explore various exchanges where you can trade ETC, offering insights into their features, benefits, and security measures.

What is Ethereum Classic (ETC)?

Ethereum Classic is a decentralized, blockchain-based cryptocurrency that emerged as a result of a hard fork from the original Ethereum network. The split occurred in 2016 after a disagreement within the Ethereum community about how to handle a significant security breach in a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO).

History of Ethereum Classic

The history of Ethereum Classic dates back to the inception of Ethereum in 2015. However, the pivotal moment came in June 2016 when a hacker exploited a vulnerability in the DAO, a complex smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain, resulting in the loss of millions of dollars worth of Ether. This event led to a heated debate within the Ethereum community about whether to implement a hard fork to reverse the hack and restore the lost funds.

Those in favor of the hard fork formed what is now known as Ethereum (ETH), while those who opposed it, believing in the immutability of the blockchain, continued with the original blockchain, which became Ethereum Classic (ETC).

Technology Behind Ethereum Classic

Ethereum Classic operates on the original Ethereum blockchain, maintaining its principles of decentralization and immutability. Like Ethereum, Ethereum Classic allows for the creation and execution of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). It utilizes a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism, where miners validate transactions and secure the network.

Ethereum Classic has undergone several upgrades to improve its scalability, security, and functionality, ensuring it remains a viable and competitive platform in the cryptocurrency space.

Centralized Exchanges for Ethereum Classic (ETC)

Centralized exchanges are among the most popular platforms for trading Ethereum Classic due to their high liquidity, user-friendly interfaces, and extensive features. Here are some of the top centralized exchanges where you can trade ETC:


Binance is one of the largest and most reputable cryptocurrency exchanges globally. It offers a wide range of trading pairs for Ethereum Classic, including ETC/USDT, ETC/BTC, and ETC/ETH. Binance is known for its high liquidity, low trading fees, and robust security measures, making it an excellent choice for trading ETC.


Coinbase is a well-known exchange that supports Ethereum Classic trading. It provides a simple and intuitive interface, making it ideal for beginners. Coinbase offers ETC/USD and ETC/EUR trading pairs and ensures the security of users' funds through insurance policies and stringent security protocols.


Kraken is another reputable exchange that lists Ethereum Classic. It offers several trading pairs, such as ETC/USD, ETC/EUR, and ETC/BTC. Kraken is known for its security, transparency, and comprehensive range of trading tools, catering to both novice and experienced traders.

Decentralized Exchanges for Ethereum Classic (ETC)

Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) provide a more secure and private way to trade cryptocurrencies without relying on a central authority. Here are some decentralized exchanges where you can trade Ethereum Classic (ETC):


Uniswap is a leading decentralized exchange built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to trade ERC-20 tokens, including Ethereum Classic, in a trustless and decentralized manner. Uniswap's automated market maker (AMM) model ensures high liquidity and seamless trading experiences.


SushiSwap is another popular decentralized exchange that supports Ethereum Classic trading. It operates similarly to Uniswap but offers additional features like yield farming and staking. SushiSwap provides a decentralized platform with competitive trading fees and high liquidity for ETC.

How to Buy Ethereum Classic (ETC)

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Choose an Exchange: Select an exchange from the list above based on your preferences regarding fees, security, and user experience.
  2. Create an Account: Sign up for an account on the exchange. For decentralized exchanges, ensure you have a compatible cryptocurrency wallet.
  3. Verify Your Identity: Most centralized exchanges require identity verification for increased security and compliance with regulations.
  4. Deposit Funds: Deposit fiat currency or another cryptocurrency into your exchange account to trade for ETC.
  5. Buy Ethereum Classic: Navigate to the trading section, select the appropriate trading pair (e.g., ETC/USD), and execute your trade.
  6. Secure Your Tokens: Transfer your ETC tokens to a secure wallet, preferably a hardware wallet, to maintain control over your private keys.

Security Tips for Trading Ethereum Classic

  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Always enable 2FA on your exchange account for added security.
  • Use a Hardware Wallet: Store your ETC tokens in a hardware wallet like Ledger or Trezor to protect them from online threats.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest security practices and potential threats in the cryptocurrency space to safeguard your investments.

The Future of Ethereum Classic

Development and Roadmap

Ethereum Classic continues to evolve, with ongoing development efforts aimed at improving its scalability, security, and functionality. Key upgrades and partnerships are expected to enhance the network's capabilities and adoption. Staying informed about Ethereum Classic's roadmap can provide valuable insights into its future potential.

Community and Adoption

The success of Ethereum Classic largely depends on its community support and adoption. Engaging with the Ethereum Classic community through forums, social media, and participating in governance decisions can help shape the project's direction. As ETC gains more adoption and use cases, its value and relevance in the cryptocurrency market are likely to grow.


Exchanging Ethereum Classic (ETC) can be done on a variety of centralized and decentralized platforms, each offering unique features and benefits. By following the steps outlined in this guide and adhering to security best practices, you can trade and hold Ethereum Classic confidently. As Ethereum Classic continues to innovate and expand its offerings, staying informed and engaged with the community will be key to maximizing your investment. Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a newcomer, understanding where and how to exchange Ethereum Classic (ETC) is essential for navigating the evolving world of digital assets.

This article aimed to provide a clear, detailed, and comprehensive overview of where you can exchange Ethereum Classic (ETC). It covered the necessary steps to buy and secure Ethereum Classic, the history and technology behind it, and the best centralized and decentralized exchanges for trading it. By following this guide, you can make informed decisions and effectively participate in the cryptocurrency market.

When choosing a platform to exchange Ethereum Classic (ETC), consider its user rating. Make a conscious choice when choosing a platform. Study the company page on our website, read user reviews and draw conclusions whether you should use this service. There are a lot of scams in the field of cryptocurrency. Taking into account the reputation of the service when choosing a place to exchange Ethereum Classic (ETC) is absolutely necessary if you do not want to lose your investment.
112 empresas

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O Trade By Trade é uma troca de criptomoeda centralizada operada pela Trade By Trade Ltd., Vanutau. Essa plataforma de troca digital fornece mercados USDT e BTC.


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Trezor é um dispositivo offline usado para armazenar chaves privadas criptográficas. Trezor é uma das carteiras de hardware mais seguras e trabalha no Windows 8+, macOS, Android e Linux. Ele está conectado a uma porta USB do seu computador via cabo. 


A Trust Wallet é uma aplicação móvel multi-moeda que permite transacções seguras e anónimas. Ganhou popularidade desde 2017. 


O Tux Exchange não está funcionando no momento. Foi fechado em 2019 com um anúncio prévio a partir de 15 de junho de 2019


O site da UEX Exchange está offline no momento. Nenhuma informação ou atualização nesta plataforma está disponível.


O UpBit está sediado na Coréia do Sul. Foi fundada em 2017 pelo desenvolvedor coreano KakaoTalk. A troca é muito fácil de usar e oferece um alto nível de segurança. O UpBit suporta o comércio de cerca de 195 criptomoedas, algumas das quais são bastante raras, e 330 pares de negociação no mercado.

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WazirX é uma bolsa de criptomoeda centralizada baseada na Índia, que fornece pares criptomoeda para criptomoeda (BTC, USDT), bem como oportunidades de negociação fiat (INR, A Rupia Indiana). Entre os desenvolvimentos da empresa, há um motor WazirX P2P para rápida conversão fiat-to-crypto. A plataforma de negociação WazirX é compatível com Android, iOS, Mobile Web, Windows, macOS. O programa de referência funciona dentro da plataforma. Os clientes dos EUA não são permitidos. Os controlos KYC são aplicados aos clientes. O atendimento ao cliente está disponível através de canais de E-mail e Telegrama.


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Simplifique suas transações de criptografia sem esforço. Abandone endereços de carteira longos e substitua - os por um único nome de sua escolha


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