País: United Kingdom
Lançado: 2018
Moedas semelhantes
SUN (SUN) is a cryptocurrency designed to further the development of decentralized finance (DeFi) on blockchain network TRON (TRX). Described as “the quintessential Bitcoin equivalent on TRON,” SUN is a voluntary project which runs on TRON’s TRC-20 token standard. A dedicated community administers operations via smart contracts. SUN’s genesis mining phase began at the start of September 2020, lasting for two weeks before the official launch. Participants can stake TRON’s TRX token or other TRC-20 tokens to earn rewards and governance rights for SUN.
O Quantstamp (QSP) é um token Ethereum listado por várias trocas. É o token de utilitário da plataforma blockchain Quantstamp.
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