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Fedlio 교환은 BiteBTC의 악명 높은 붕괴에 따라 2019 년 중반에 개설되었습니다. Fedlio는 BiteBTC를지지하는 동일한 개인이 운영합니다. 그러나 Fedlio 거래소는 BiteBTC의 금융 부채를 상환하지 않았습니다.
SafeTrade is a multi cryptocurrency exchange platform developed by the SafeCoin team. It enables users with the ability to trade (buy/sell) cryptocurrencies between them using the respective available trading pairs.
HADAX is a multi-cryptocurrency exchange where you can trade coins for a 0.2% trading fee. HADAX allows customers to use Huobi Tokens and vote for the currencies they want to see listed on the platform.