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Aug 04, 2020

GpuShack is an online retailer that specializes in selling GPUs, or Graphics Processing Units, for use in cryptocurrency mining. The company is known for its large selection of GPUs from various manufacturers, as well as its competitive prices.

Product Offerings

GpuShack offers a wide range of GPUs, including models from major manufacturers such as Nvidia and AMD. The company also sells other computer components, such as motherboards and power supplies, which are necessary for setting up a cryptocurrency mining rig.

Customer Service

GpuShack offers excellent customer service, with knowledgeable representatives who are able to answer questions and provide technical support. The company also provides a warranty on its products and offers a return policy for customers who are not satisfied with their purchase.

Prices and Availability

GpuShack offers competitive prices on its products, and often runs sales and promotions to help customers save money. The company also maintains a large inventory of GPUs, so customers can usually find the model they need in stock.

Overall, GpuShack is a great option for anyone who is looking to build a cryptocurrency mining rig. With its large selection of GPUs, competitive prices, and excellent customer service, GpuShack is a company that is well worth considering for your next purchase. Whether you are a seasoned miner or just getting started, GpuShack has the products and expertise to help you get the most out of your mining operation.

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Località: USA
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