Località: International
Lancio: 2017
Sito web:
Volume: $ 76,616.0
coppie: 129
App mobile: iOS, Android
Fees: Transaction fee percentage is 0.1%.
There are no deposit/withdrawal fees.
Fees: Transaction fee percentage is 0.1%.
There are no deposit/withdrawal fees.
Grade points: 0.00
Recensioni pubblicate da esperti
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May 29, 2020

DDEX utilizza un modello ibrido di scambio decentralizzato, in cui non viene creato alcun account utente. Si descrive anche come una piattaforma di trading a margine più avanzata su Ethereum. 

Il trading a margine è disponibile con la piattaforma. Consente anche il prestito, in cui i tassi di interesse sono impostati automaticamente in base alla domanda e all'offerta. 

DDEX utilizza oracoli di prezzo per determinare il prezzo corrente in USD. Il rapporto di audit DDEX è pubblicato su Github a partire da metà 2019.

La nostra valutazione
Functionality 3 / 5
Reputation 3 / 5
Security 3 / 5
Support 3 / 5
Fees 3 / 5
La nostra valutazione
3.0 / 5
Pros and Cons
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Recensioni degli utenti
Lim 9 May 2023

100% is a scam! Each of every withdrawal being rejected with asking to pay numerous of payments ie personal fee, risk block fee n hash value fee. End up the account being frozen! How can the country authorities still allowed this platform to be functioned!!!!

Angel 9 February 2023

It’s a scam. is definitely a scam. They’ve worked a way where by initially you could withdraw the first time. But after the subsequent investment, they’ve prevented you from withdrawing. Customer service have said that a personal tax fee is needed to be paid for, after the personal tax fee is paid for and withdrawal can be made. After that I was unable to withdraw again, lo and behold customer service said that I had to pay for a risk block fee due. Paid n the same thing happened again, and this time was asked to pay for a hash value fee. All of which was 10% of account amount/transfer amount etc. contacted their “official support group” on telegram and am even more sure they’re a scam.

Peter W Gakumo 21 January 2023

Definitely a SCAM!!. I invested in BTC and everything was going well UNTIL i decided to withdraw money from my account. My account was suddenly frozen without any warning, and after numerous tries of contacting them, I was informed that that they suspected that my account was stolen. I was told to pay 15% of the money invested, which amounted to about $ 2,800 and prove the account was mine. I didn't want to lose my money, and decided to pay. I again tried to request a withdrawal, and the account was frozen AGAIN!!. I contacted DDEX again, and was told I had to pay income tax which amounted to almost $3K. Not wanting to lose my money , I again payed, and promptly decided to withdraw ALL the money invested and close that account.
And SURPRISE! The account was frozen again, and this time was asked to pay 30% to prove ownership!!
And that how I lost $17k!!!
May they rot in HELL!

Greg 22 December 2020

Average level platform with reasonable fees

Località: International
Lancio: 2017
Sito web:
Volume: $ 76,616.0
coppie: 129
App mobile: iOS, Android
Fees: Transaction fee percentage is 0.1%.
There are no deposit/withdrawal fees.
Fees: Transaction fee percentage is 0.1%.
There are no deposit/withdrawal fees.
Grade points: 0.00
Confrontare con
HitBTC Cryptocurrency Exchange è una piattaforma creata nel 2013 da esperti estoni e imprenditori israeliani che ti consente di scambiare più di 300 coppie di criptovaluta. La piattaforma è stata lanciata nel 2013 e gli investimenti ricevuti sono stati di circa 6 milioni di dollari.
Nonostante una certa diminuzione della popolarità e della domanda di monete digitali, molti utenti continuano a usarle attivamente. Ciò è favorito dalle caratteristiche e capacità specifiche delle criptovalute. Spesso è necessario scambiare un tipo di criptovaluta con un'altra moneta. Cosa fare? In questo articolo, considereremo una delle migliori soluzioni per lo scambio di criptovaluta: Changelly. È abbastanza sicuro e vale la pena provarlo? Changelly è legale? Changelly è una truffa? A tutte queste domande verrà data risposta in questo articolo.
Koinex era uno scambio indiano istituito nel 2017. Nel giugno 2019, lo scambio ha annunciato che la sua operazione sarebbe cessata. La scadenza per il ritiro era prevista per il 15 luglio 2019.

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