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TrueBit Protocol Review 2023 - Is It Safe?

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Dec 24, 2021

TrueBit is a protocol that offers scalability solutions to blockchain networks that allows for complex computation to be carried out off-chain, with the results then verified and submitted to the blockchain. This protocol was developed by Jason Teutsch and Christian Reitwiessner in 2017, and it seeks to address the problem of scalability and high gas fees on the Ethereum network. In this review, we will take a closer look at the TrueBit protocol and its various features.

TrueBit Protocol Architecture

The TrueBit protocol consists of two main components, the off-chain computation system and the on-chain verification system. The off-chain computation system enables complex computation to be carried out off-chain, while the on-chain verification system ensures that the results of the computation are accurate and valid before they are submitted to the blockchain.

How TrueBit Protocol Works

The TrueBit protocol works by allowing a party to submit a computational task to the off-chain computation system. This task is then picked up by a solver who will work on solving it off-chain. Once the solver completes the task, the result is submitted to the verifier, who will then verify the result and submit it to the blockchain. The verifier is incentivized to submit correct results as they stand to lose their deposit if they submit an incorrect result.

Benefits of TrueBit Protocol

One of the main benefits of the TrueBit protocol is its ability to scale blockchain networks. By allowing complex computation to be carried out off-chain, the TrueBit protocol reduces the load on the blockchain network, thus increasing its scalability. Additionally, the TrueBit protocol ensures that the results of the computation are accurate and valid, thereby increasing the reliability of the blockchain network.

Applications of TrueBit Protocol

The TrueBit protocol has several applications, including decentralized finance (DeFi), gaming, and prediction markets. In the DeFi space, the TrueBit protocol can be used to carry out complex computations for lending and borrowing platforms. In the gaming industry, the TrueBit protocol can be used to carry out complex game logic off-chain, thereby reducing the latency of the game. In the prediction market space, the TrueBit protocol can be used to carry out complex computations for prediction markets.

TrueBit Token (TRU)

The TrueBit protocol has its native token called TRU, which is used as a utility token to incentivize participants in the ecosystem. TRU is used to incentivize solvers and verifiers to participate in the off-chain computation and on-chain verification process. Additionally, TRU can also be used to vote on governance proposals and changes to the protocol.
The TrueBit protocol is a promising solution to the problem of scalability on blockchain networks. By allowing complex computation to be carried out off-chain and verified on-chain, the TrueBit protocol increases the scalability and reliability of blockchain networks. With applications in decentralized finance, gaming, and prediction markets, the TrueBit protocol has the potential to revolutionize various industries. Additionally, the use of the TRU token as a utility token adds further incentives for participants to contribute to the TrueBit ecosystem.

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