Recensioni pubblicate da esperti
Nov 17, 2020

Algorand is a scalable, secure, and decentralized digital currency and transactions platform.

Founded by Turing award winner and MIT professor Silvio Micali, Algorand is a permissionless pure proof-of-stake blockchain protocol. Unlike first-generation consensus mechanisms, Algorand's technology finalizes blocks in seconds and provides immediate transaction finality while preventing forks. Algorand does also not reward validators with newly minted tokens.

With a primary focus on developers and their needs, Algorand's node repository has been open-sourced and is publicly available. Algorand provides a robust set of developer tools, DApp analytics through a partnership with Flipside Crypto, and has a number of partners building on their blockchain, including OTOY, Syncsort, TOP Networks, Asset Block and more.

  • Maximum Supply (# or Uncapped): 10,000,000,000
  • Genesis Block / Distribution Date: June 11, 2019
  • Consensus Mechanism (Precise): Permissionless, Pure Proof of Stake
  • Emission Type (Precise): Fixed supply with Pre-minted rewards
  • Block Time (Seconds): Sub 5 seconds
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Recensioni degli utenti
Iton 14 May 2021

Used to have it but sold recently.

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