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Waves Wallet Review

Security: Personal
Anonymity: Low
Ease of use: Easy
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: Hierarchical Deterministic, Open Source
Platforms: Chrome Extension, Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, iOS
Source code URL: https://wavesplatform.com/
ValidationType: SPV
Expert Review
Sep 02, 2020

The Waves Wallet is the official wallet for the Waves Platform. It comes as a Chrome Extension that can be easily installed and used to perform most actions in the Waves Platofrm as well as for Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Currently in development, the Waves Platform will allow users to issue, transfer and trade assets. The wallet has a built-in decentralized exchange platform that can be used to exchange assets, cryptocurrencies and fiat tokens. 

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User reviews
Danial 24 February 2023

low fees are the best this wallet can provide.

Nate Finley 3 November 2021

This wallet has a good reputation, it works smoothly and stably. Comparing it with others, I can say that the support could have been better, but the service itself is decent.

Security: Personal
Anonymity: Low
Ease of use: Easy
Has trading facilities: yes
Features: Hierarchical Deterministic, Open Source
Platforms: Chrome Extension, Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android, iOS
Source code URL: https://wavesplatform.com/
ValidationType: SPV
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