Security: Personal
Anonymity: High
Ease of use: Easy
Features: Open Source, Multi-Signature
Platforms: Hardware, Web
Source code URL:
ValidationType: Centralized
Expert Review
Sep 11, 2020

ChronoMint is a multi-cryptocurrency open-source wallet based on the ChronoBank ecosystem. It supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, Bitcoin Cash, ERC20 tokens, and others. ChronoMint also features multi-signature and a hardware wallet.

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User reviews
Wrencely 2 November 2021

In my opinion, it's an ordinary average wallet, nothing special. Either I don’t understand something or I don’t see it.

Kristie Mclean 2 November 2021

During this month, I've used this wallet several times. It turned out to be pretty good, but so far it hasn't really stood out from the others.

Security: Personal
Anonymity: High
Ease of use: Easy
Features: Open Source, Multi-Signature
Platforms: Hardware, Web
Source code URL:
ValidationType: Centralized
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