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Tru Reputation Network Reviews

Expert Review
May 30, 2020

The Tru Reputation Network is the first decentralized Proof of Reputation solution. Backed by patent-pending and revolutionary feedback algorithms that eliminate synthetic feedback- a problem estimated to affect over $320 Billion/14% of E-Commerce sales each year, the Tru Reputation Network seeks to radically change how feedback is conducted in digital interactions. By moving to a system of Semantics away from long-form reviews or sliding scale ratings, the Tru Reputation Network increases ease of use and quality of reputation data whilst simultaneously eliminating automated 'crowdturfing'. The Tru Reputation Network is underpinned by the Tru Reputation Protocol which is currently being used in a private beta by Trubador ( and is servicing over 16,000 users a month. The Tru Reputation Network Pre-Sale is a public token sale of Tru Reputation Token- the unit of economic activity underpinning the Tru Reputation Network. These tokens are required by platforms to search the Tru Reputation Network and are awarded to those who provide feedback to the Tru Reputation Network. These utility tokens are being priced at a 25% bonus vs the launch price and the sale is open to anyone, with only those purchasing more than 20 ETH being subjected to KYC assessment (1 ETH = 1250 TRU).

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