Betting limits: Varies
Fees: 1.9%
Expert Review
Aug 10, 2020

vDice does its own interpretation of UIs for various betting games. 

There are no crypto-tokens, funds, logic, user data, information, critical game code, execution or information on the web-server. Instead, there are some pretty images and basic APIs pulling data from various smart contracts that have been deployed on public blockchain infrastructure, by various development teams.

These UIs each represent just one interpretation of a UI for viewing these various smart contracts. One could also design and implement their own UI for viewing these very same smart contracts, and deploy them on their web-server, or anywhere they like. Indeed, many have.

As such, it is not even necessary to interact with any of these smart contracts through this, or any, web interface itself. Indeed, as all games exist as independent code on public blockchain infrastructure, it is possible to interact with these smart contracts directly, without any UI, and execute any of the smart contract functions.

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User reviews
Trasmus 9 January 2021

Crypto betting sucks, it's an appropriate to wait a week or two to get any rewards. I quit.

Pauls 9 January 2021

I was confused by the gameplay system, I don't want to spend so much time on it.

Imer 15 November 2020

The interface is difficult to use.

Dariy 3 October 2020

I didn't get how the service works, it's got complicating registration and activation form, maybe vDice provides the great games, but I couldn't play.

Betting limits: Varies
Fees: 1.9%
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